Extrream bug

Hey i wanna report bug in blackhole, its a game bug, report to developers please… somekind asteroid buged against my ship and its spining me and i cant get out of blackhole pls help.

Hi there,

PLease note below:

can u come on server and help me now? i dont wanan leave everything in blackhole

Sorry, I’m not an admin and you’re missing a bunch of info to help them help you.

Can you post the template in that link with your data here so the admins can help?

Which server, ship name, etc. use the template, it will help.

how can i contat admin?

:). Admins are based in EU/UK. They may not get to you immediately, hence post your report here with your template and it will be addressed as soon as they see it.

This is the best we (the community) can help you with to help ensure you get the best help available.

resolved ingame.

Please described when / why / how it happened!

this is a video what was happening if anyone is curius :stuck_out_tongue:

It hapend today at 6 40pm (gmt+1), i was drilling gold in blackhole… i wanted to move position for better driling and a piece of asteroid got stuck on my ship. somehow it connected me to other asteroids in the asteroid field and spin me out of control, i tried helping with engines everything, when i got to outer layer of the asteroid filed it pulled me back in to same asteroid i drilled.

Thx to admin quick response problem was solved, owe them big time.


ok, cool. Thanks

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i edited sry

must also add i was in between many asteorids really squizing in that probably caused the problem

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Nice video! Wierd problem! Glad you got it fixed!