Factory Issue : After putting materials in

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
I’ve been using the Production menu to put materials in to a blueprint I wanted to produce. Received the blueprint from Steam marketplace. After purchasing a resource package it seemed that all the materials I placed in queue for this Production bugged. It says now Total Production Time is 1 second. It list all the materals I need, but show’s that the Amounts are zero.

Any help on this one please? Thank you!
Player(s) with issue:
North America
Time (cb:time):
11:55 PM EST

Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

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screenshots help :slight_smile:

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Sure! I’ve attached a screenshot of what I’m talking about.

Thank you for any help you could offer.


hmmm it says level 25 blueprint and it’s colored red… are you level 25 yet? if not, u cannot spawn this vessel yet…!

I’m not level 25 yet, but I was already adding materials into the production to get ready to level 25. I was through most of the requirements. Now it won’t let me add more too it. It seems bugged somehow. It happened right after I purchased some materials.

try queueing a different blueprint then come back to this one, might fix the glitch…
your deposited resources will remain there…


That seemed to work. Thanks!

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