Feedback - cb:destroy should have a range limit the same as egs recycle

Good points and quite for some time on our list.

Jascha tries to implement an enemy detection system only on PvP for cb:destroy and egs:recycle asap.


Done and installed in 5 minutes :wink:



Updated also the command page regarding the commands and the EGS Recycle feature page

*only if no enemies are around you. 2000 meter in space, 350 meter on planets


CB:DESTROY it is not only trash removal “tool”. It is major instrument to prevent a gift the ship (some ships, somebody makes and upgrade by months) to a some noob from stupied lags or disconnect. It is SELF distruct commnad for me. Before devs make real rights protections for BP’s.

p.s. I hope faction private not be a “enemy”.

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currently private friendly ships and allies are preventing recycle etc

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It looks like there is a weakness with the new restriction. This player was able to cb:destroy yesterday with our people right on a structure. This was done right after a relog. @RexXxuS @Jascha

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Which of those ships got destroyed? Did not really see it in the video.
But I anyhow just got an Idea what could be a problem when seeing your Video.

The black pyramid base

ah ok… sorry. got distracted by all the other things xD

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When we not happy with the rules we break em … nice

CB:Destroy will be fixed in a minute.

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Currently the recycle/destroy restriction is being triggered by faction members as well. Thanks for all your work Jas

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is that wrong :expressionless: ?
Sorry will fix it soon xD


Well the objective would be to prevent players from using the commands in combat with enemies if I understand correctly. So faction mates, friendly private ships and allies shouldnt cause the restriction message. :smiley:

what about tackleing a cv with another cv ie in your vid

What does that have to do with the subject exactly?

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Comand should be fixed now. Please let me know if there is still a problem.


Hy, is there a other way to destroy ships if it get stuck …maybe in HWS … i used this commands sometimes when my sv get stuck … so that i dont have pay tax for it… and near a enemy base i can’t remove the core etc … thx jewa … ok the last day it don’t happen but if it happen…

Use cb:getshiphere:ID if you need to move a stick ship. You can find the ID in the statistics tab of the control panel, bottom left corner.

jup thx