Fridge Sizes

Concerning Fridge Sizes, they all seem to have a capacity of 5000.

I noticed the fridge in the Garage Ship, Roid Rage, has a capacity of 10000.

Is there a way to get larger fridge sizes?

Which servers are you refering to? If it’s EU/NA, the fridge in the garage ship is probably a CV/base fridge in an SV/HV. Garage ships are “cheated” vessels, which cannot be made by players, since they have special features.

Oops, EU/NA. I was thinking it’s an HV or SV fridge but I placed those on a vessel and they do not reflect that larger size.

It’s probably a conversion change when converting the ship from BA to CV for the furnaces and other base components. Would be nice to have larger fridges though. :wink: