Gabriel balance

Lets be real though, very few pick traders because they are looking for PVP…
Can you blame us for doing what we can with what we have as a universe in 5.0? :yum:

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I’m not judging. It was the right move.

My point is that the universe is ripe for a trader&guradian dominance and the only reason it has not happened is that throwing numbers at a fight does not work due to game issues.


Imo if you have more numbers, then chances that the enemy will DC before all of you, are much better. Therefor just throwing numbers should work. The question is, is it fun? Answer: Nope.

If you play 5.0 right (and if this is what you want), you can PVE all the way through it even on the PVP server. No reason to leave the PVP server for PVE. Universe 2.0 was the most annoying one (costed so much pentax…) but universe 5.0 is the most imbalanced one by far.

It’s not quite that simple. It also depends who was there first. People entering the playfield or the area of combat are the ones most likely to crash or just outright not see ships they are fighting.

Nevermind that the PC you have is a huge factor in if you crash or don’t. I very rarely crash but I hang ALL the time. I suspect that this is due to my PC.

On top of this, HV in place on a planet have a massive benefit vs cv’s attacking that DC. Cause they keep firing without a player, and the cv will at best have mini and cannon firing back.

Oh and the HVs won’t render. Even if you bump the ground with your CV, you still see nothing. It’s great.

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… for you! Hater gonna hate but I want to see more of personal accusations. It is really annoying for me to always read generalized hater posts lately.

If you think all is shit - append “shit for YOU”. If you abuse exploits - append “YOU use them”.
I could not care less but it is really neither helping nor good to read all the time the same. Over and over again.

The least thing you can do in all your rage is suggest partial suggestions which are GOOD for YOU. Not that your world is the best world but just to stop this non-sense spreading hate-all-is-shit-I-just-play-that-game-because-I-tell-you-all-how-shit-it-is.

Thank you :heart_decoration:


I have been very specific about the reasons already… But you are right. I must post in solutions and not in problems. So here I go:


  1. Make all donator planets unrestricted & PVP. OR disallow parking CV’s on PVE donator planets and make all deposits 20-sized copper deposits (can’t automine that, no admin oversight required). Then also remove all epic items from their POI’s
    This will fix the unfair resource advantage and the unfair parking there.

  2. Only drop gold meteorites on Lucifer and Gabriel (or any planet) when they are PVP. Not while they are PVE.
    If this is not possible then make them perma-PVP or use another planet for the gold drops if it collides with the story.

  3. Disable all NPC traders until a better & more balanced solution is found for them. Also either remove all LCD or fix them all. Be consistent. Being unfair towards certain players for absolutely no reason generates problems&drama that nobody wants.

  4. Stricter limits on combat CV’s (like is being discussed in that other topic) to reduce lag. It sucks I know but it is better than what we have now.

  5. WAY more resets for alien POI’s & WAY more meteorite drops on PVE server.

  6. Limit RP loss on death to max 3 / day.

  7. Start throwing serious punishments for returning & farming & parking in starter areas. Like REALLY serious punishments so that when you have to waste admin time to admin it, you won’t have to do it again for them for a long time and others will refrain from it.

  8. Stop assuming that people on the internet care about others on the server. If they can exploit something they will. If they can farm, park and raid POI’s on starter and ruin it for newbies those people WILL DO IT. It only requires 1% of the total player base to ruin it entirely. Not to mention the effects that this will trigger. Solution (this sounds negative but is probably true): stop assuming random people that join the server = good people. Even if 99% of the players are ‘good’ it still is not enough. Therefor it won’t work.

  9. Ask the devs for separate blueprint limits for CV & BA. CV should be more limited than BA’s. Optionally also ask for another special blueprint limit reserved for PVE regions only where imo BA’s should be able to have 1000 devices.

  10. RP requirement for enterering Gabriel could be lowered by ~half after you unlocked it and visited it at least once.

  11. Not so important but still: Separate section in guide for PVE server with the new device limit there and all the other changes (I know, costs a lot of time so not too important).

  12. You know very well that I’m one of the few that doesn’t abuse exploits (I push deep into gray areas yes but I oftne see a clear line). But I feel that the real exploiters are not punished enough and keep on doing it (because it pays doing it) with other exploits. I suppose I don’t need to give any examples here.
    Solution: Much more severe punishments for players that actually, knowingly, willingly exploit without reporting it.

  13. Better resources for PVP planets. Some planets indeed don’t even have iron or rare resources. There is no point to those planets besides raiding the POI once in a blue moon. PVP planets should ALWAYS have better resources than PVE planets and should ALWAYS be better than PVE donator planets. Exception: unless they serve a specific purpose like alien planet.

@RexXxuS ^ Is that better?

And I forgot:
14. Cap credit loss on death to like 10-30k or so. Because after many deaths the credit loss is kinda insane and this again limits PVP players and rewards people for sitting on PVE planets.

15.New rule: Global limit to HV’s around a PVP base to stop HV core spam. This imo is abuse anyway. Also related to solution #8. Can’t rely on players not to abuse it.

I see… Apparently I insult you too much. Not my intention. Sorry (again). Can I perhaps get a forum ban so that I refrain from posting for the time being? Like a week forum ban (still need connect)? If what you say is true (which probably mostly is true) then it’s better if I stop posting entirely. Then after that week I can consider a perma forum ban. Completely voluntarily.

I just had a few weeks on 4.0 then 5.0 now, I have to say that I am not really eager to engage in any large pvp conflict just purely because of what I read in the forums.
If I fly anywhere near the pirates, then I will:
Be ambushed at the warp entry point.
Be engaged 1v5.
If by any miracle I am able to win a 1v1 encounter, then they will core-bug the ship and I won’t salvage a thing.
So yeah, I am kind of hoarding stuff or just scouting the low-traffic pvp planets until 5.1 arrives. And I think I am not the only one doing this…

This isn’t as easy to do as you think.

If you play this game solo and fly solo, you will die solo. Do not play this game alone.

Report them. It’s not a thing that should be happening.

There are legitimate issues with PvP - but none of them are what you listed.

Well yeah I left out the obvious ones that also apply to both sides (ship clipping, disconnects, lagshots, etc).
So if you sum all that up, PVP just doesn’t seem fun right now. I can lose to a better pilot any day. I cannot lose to bugs and exploits that are well known and not banned.
I DO have a nice faction, but right now we cannot have the luxury of everyone carring his own cv for 10 jumps (then spend a day collecting crystals…no fun. Oh when I say a day, I mean that with work and family a play day is only 2 hours or so, xcept weekends).

Get BC autominer to level 10 and you will never have to harvest another blue crystal again.