Gold Base Attack - Question about Intruder Logs

Ranzeth. You need to acquire some basic knowledge of CV homing rockets before making statements like this. They will home on whatever is within the crosshairs. Why would I aim at a SV when there is a base firing homing rockets back at my ship?

Your comments in this thread vary from very respectful to accusatory.

I cored 15-20 bases and several CVs and possibly other misc items on the ground. Whatever was shooting at me or looked like it could shoot at me.

Additionally, I believe you mean “feat”. I do have two feet, but I believe you were referring to the skill involved in de-coring one base with another cored-structure nearby. That said, there is not much skill involved at the moment due to use of homing rockets. 1) Line up cross hair. 2) Fire. 3) Dodge inbound bullets. 4) Go to (1)

I’ve played with the homing rockets, so I know how they work. Like I said everything combined, with a lack of intruder logs makes it look very suspicious. I’m still not pointing fingers at anyone, I’m just stating how it seems to me.

And you still attacked us because you don’t like us, not because we were covering Gold ore.

This is not accurate. I did not know it was 5AT base until most were decored. I attacked because the rules of engagement were met and because I felt like destroying things with my new ship. It happened to be your base which was certainly a bonus. I am still sore bout 5th’s prior actions

Can’t even admit can you Ivanov? Anyway, if you don’t want to be honest that’s cool. We don’t warp camp… what the heck… man get your stuff straight.

Anywyay question answered, bravo. Have a nice day.

Ranzeth – regarding warp camping, ask your faction elders about “welcome mat”. You are not correct on that matter.

As to the rest, I will say this:

If I had known it was 5th’s base, I would have attacked it without a second thought. It just so happens that I did not find out until many were de-cored. I did not see the faction tag on many of the towers – were some private?

Welcome Mat where? I’ll have a talk with somebody about that.

It is from many weeks ago from 3.x patch. One of your (probably former) members thought it would be a good idea to place a “Welcome Mat” in entry to Homeworld warp entry (from hws story, IIRC).

5AT clan have generally been upstanding citizens since then minus a couple overly-aggressive members.

A correct and valid response from 5AT clan to my above statements: “Get over it! That happened more than a month ago”.

Ranzeth you can kill kill a base with out ground damage.

So atm all ground based bases are a no go. To easy to kill.

Yeah, I was wondering about that I didn’t see any splash damage, it looked like someone launched precision laser strikes to each core and took them out.

That combined with no intruder logs does create an interesting situation. Another question - None of those bases who up in the Structure List, but all the ones that were deleted on Wipe are… is there a reason why those bases wouldn’t show up there?

But the homing rockets will only shoot at the core w/o damage the ground to kill all the blocks you have to use a different weapon which WILL damage the ground.

Core buried more than 10, 20 meters deep, will hardly be hit by a homing rockets, they do not go through the ground, they explode on the surface and create craters towards the core, had hit the core with a missile would be several holes at the base, or this guy that lied or used some magical method to hit missile alert by land, perhaps he wants to share with us this fantastic launcher of missile that seems to only be equipped on his ship.

the purpose which the name of your faction? Ivanov …

That’s the part that confused me, I know at least one core was buried. Oh well, if it happens multiple times we will know.

Homing missiles from above easily kill a buried core precisely. You can practice this in creative mode if you are unfamiliar with homing missiles.

Before taking the low road and making wild accusations, learn the game mechanics and become a better player.

I’ve used homing missiles in Survival mode and they do not behave as described.

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