I’ve been making gold goins but I noticed they were disappearing from my container controller right after they go in. Dozens every few seconds, so far I’ve lost over 4,000 coins.
Why ??
Hey, @gevans1. Welcome to HWS
Since you deleted our support template, I’ll assume this is just a question.
There’s a bug related to constructors, that make them sometimes craft items, but without outputting them items.
Unfortunately, it’s quite common, and we don’t have any logs about it.
The only way we can help with this kind of issues, is if you record your constructor as it fails.
Restarting your game once in a while will likely also make it better. Technically, lowering your max FPS to 30 may or may not also improve it. And in general, staying in a less laggy area (fewer and smaller structures) should help.
also make sure you don’t have a furnace attached to the output box of your constructor. that would end up melting the coins back into ore
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