Gold Deposits on Moba SV unmineable

I bought a rhea with the intention of recouping the value before the full wipe by mining in moba. However all of the deposits are unmineable. Every time I go down to the planet to check I can’t deform the terrain or access the gold. The erestrum and zarcosium deposits work fine an can be mined, but the gold deposits can’t.

Yea these have been broken a while. Go after roids colt they fall like crazy on these planets (especially hv and sv planets)

Weren’t any meteorites when I was down there earlier. My internet’s busted after a lightning strike so I crash often, I don’t like having to fly around scouting for the odd meteorite because many times already I’ve crashed and ended up 500m away from my ship, and when it’s a 3m ship… That’s why the deposits being busted hurt so bad, those don’t require much travel to get to so they’re generally safer for me.

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yea makes sense, hopefully admins can fix, ping Hops in Discord if they don’t see this

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I can tell you from past experience, if those deposits were minable, they would be all mined out in the first few days after server wipe. The point of MOBA is PvP, with gold as a reward for the risk. Destructible terrain causes too much lag. Arma and Desert World in 5.0 were prime examples of how bad it gets.

Like was said above gold meteorites should be dropping, if not then ask an admin to reset them on discord. Admins can’t balance the game around someone having a bad internet connection.

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You seem to misunderstand a few things. There’s already destructible terrain on moba sv. You can mine the erestrum and zarcosium deposits, for example. It’s only the gold deposits that are unmineable. This has nothing to do with balance. Besides an admin in game confirmed it was just a bug.

Deposits being mineable does not mean destructible terrain. The reason you are able to mine other deposits is because they breached the surface. The gold ones, with one exception, do not. There is one that breaches in a smaller-than-1-cv-block hole just big enough for someone to fall in and ruin their day :slight_smile:

I think that is wrong @mcprouty about the reachable part… Some deposits are 5.5k and are able to be reached at 100% but won’t let you mine it. You fly around and you find other gold deposits that have been mined… Makes no sense.

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Lol you dick. @mcprouty

It still won’t work for some of them, idk if you’ve seen them or not,

ya as far as I can tell, that is the only one you can reach.

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Confused to why some would, some wouldn’t be allowed.

If you look in that clip, you can see atleast in that one the gold deposit was actually close enough to the surface that you could get in by just mining gold, not ground. All the other ones on SV have no gold showing on the surface.

Makes sense, Maybe they just need to work on it a little more before it’s perfect… It’s understandable.

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