Gold Planet wipe!

Actually I think it’d be really neat if you couldn’t build on Gold at all. You’d have to rely on HV/SV/CV to keep you safe.

But frankly I just hate bases…

See this is an issue a person has a preferred play style and now everyone eles should play this way.

I bet there are only 2-3 groups that have even used HV’s on this server for pvp. We being one and RAT being the other. HV’s are awesome for planet side attacking / defending bases other than that they are useless.

We have also built bases in orbit , pretty big but they died to one kitty CV so that game play is out.

I am ok with gold being a no build zone as soon as Warp-in become pve zones.

I’d vote for:

  • monthly wipes (or whatever interval) of ALL planets to combat corruption including crowded faction planets. This will also get rid of unused autominers on PVE planets for people with low end PC’s.
  • have an admin blueprint the important stuff on gold planet so they don’t lose their designs, and reimburse those people for their blueprint costs + a bit for their time invested in credits or whatever. Don’t wait until Sunday just wipe it.

Alternatively (perhaps stupid idea) prohibit BA’s or the parking of combat CV’s on that planet so that anything on the gold/za/ere planets must be in use pretty much (like a CV provididng coverfire or hunting other people that is ok). No more BA’s with I dunno how many cores to circumvent the weapon limit on BA’s… I mean this is a borderline exploit anyway. They restrict weapons on BA’s, and what do we do? We just add more cores to counter it and still blow up performance.

I know how it feels to lose a lot of stuff due to bugs. When I ragequit a few months ago I lost all of my main ships and cargo and tons of gold ore due to bugs. Just poof gone. Unable to reimburse. It really sucks. I hope you get reimbursed no matter the outcome.

You say the stability has the highest priority… if the goldplanet is the problem, can’t you just disable the goldplanet for the weekend so that people atleast can play and deal with this problem after the weekend? i guess everyone wants to play now since most of us is off work/school now… We can’t wait for sunday to come… Thats just stupid!

Yeah! Screw the people who live there and have all their stuff there! I want to play NOW!

I hope you are on NA so we can kill you and take all your stuff.

im not saying screw them, but deal with it after the weekend, less people online… set a date where the people that have stuff on goldplanet can go in and make bp’s and gather their stuff then wipe it after.

Mordgier don’t start this nice guy stuff now :slight_smile:


Yeah! I want to play over the weekend! Who cares if they can’t play till after the weekend! They can sort their crap after I’m done playing!

i guess they can still play, but not on the goldplanet.
Would be nice for the rest of us. :slight_smile:

Good luck killing the elite team.

You will most likely end up licking our shoes and begging us to spare the last block in your ship, but we wont.

Lets wipe the psses on the gold planet as soon as possible, if this will solve the problem.

lol wut?

Yes. Go wipe out the bases on NA Gold. Good luck.

Also please bring all your CVs. We can always use more in our scrap yard.

Do it mate , Come kill all the thigns :slight_smile:

Only reason we built it tbh

Registered 10 minutes ago. First post ever.
Elite Team.

I’m so scared. Are you another Mr Garz?

Thanks, i will be there.

Dont forget your diaper, we will come in hard.

**We will do this for the server. **

People from earth and other planets with intelligent life - please join us.

@Mordgier, do you even roleplay.

This thread has gone from good to great fyi.

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I am the one true elite diaper.

Yes. You be the secretary. I’ll be the lecherous boss.


I’ll be watching from a distance and then pick up the pieces of you all … lol, but seriously all the talk (increasing discussion), this forum almost all topics ends in brawl …