Good Evening HWS Community @everyone
it took me some time now to find an alternative to our current SharedData host.
I didn’t want to put too much (financial) burden to <@118714792063139840> . It already cost him more than $30. Again, thank you so much for helping us out!
I’m now hosting it on Hetzner on their Storage Share NX11 server (see screenshot) for 5,11€ per month:
As you can see, 50 opened connections at the same time. I asked the support and they said, the others would be in a queue.
We have to test it. It’s maybe slower than Google Drive but they have no limit quota. Let’s see.
You all have to download the SharedData .zip again though. Well, you have to anyways, because:
I updated the servers to build 22. In terms of POIs or playfield changes that counts for new visited / created playfields.
Other than that I saw your requests and handle from now on your Supporter requests, going through the playhours rewards and fixing legacy stuff. For example the resource / supply package items, that give items that do not exist anymore. -.-
Also please keep in mind that this also means that OCD categories will be adjusted along the way with the new items.
Without further adieu once again thank you for this overwhelming great start into a season!
Have fun