Guardians of NA server

Guardians! Make your origin stronger seek to ally with every other guardian faction.
Main reasons being guardians are supposed to be hounarable and just, we help and protect others, not just within our origin but anyone who requires our assistance (except pirates) we are duty bound to Kos when encountering pirates, hunters however are more neutral and a defensive attitude toward them will serve you well.
With us living and working TOGETHER we will grow stronger and better equipped than we would alone or as singular faction.
Alliance with traders may prove fruitful while alliance with hunters may prove useful, seek them out where possible!
Use every tool at your disposal to make your faction and origin stronger.
Post your faction name and tag here, speak in global asking for gaurdian factions online to ally with you.
G G - Guardians Guardian will accept any alliance request from guardians, traders and hunters alike.
That being said if any faction in our alliance is acting in ways they shouldn’t (trader killing trader) our alliance will cease due to your actions!

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Thank you for posting this for the guardians. I did the same for traders, but a little less… polite. We have tried for several days and found out that the only way to demonstrate the need for alliances between all factions, is to destroy those that do not accept. After our operation last night, the majority of trader factions are allied, hopefully to each other as well as LoT.
All guardians are welcome to send alliance requests to LoT, we will accept them. Those that are not allied that we encounter will be treated as hostile.

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It’s a good approach to take, hostile unless determined otherwise prior to engagment, traders after should do all they can to protect their prescious cargo, we are already allies, seen the opportunity the other day when you’d were pushing all trader for alliances :slight_smile:

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