Hello! Have a base gone

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> My base dissapeared in front of me at cryo freelancer, though it was only two days old

Player(s) with issue:
=> JesuStasoid


Time (cb:time):
=> 21 june, about 08:30

=> Freelance Cryo EU

Structure Name(s):
=> Its gone dont know how to get ot

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Tell me what could happen or bring it back =)

hey there…
can suggest a couple of things…

  • try relogging, that helps sometimes…
  • check https://connect.hws.global and go to structures page, u should be able to still see it there and get it’s id…
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Yes, thanks for advice! Base is still in connect , the id is 1676167


the issue is that you have to less blocks. You need 10 minimum otherwise the game will delete it.
I restored it, please add blocks immediately.

Thank you! Will do

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