======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
What happened: crashed while leaving planet, when i rleog i had lost my SV, and i think my CV is gone too, and all i had !!
Player(s) with issue: bmgmiura
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): 10 mins ago
Playfield: alliance HQ
Structure Name(s): Pombo SV, Vulcan CV
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Write here
My ships are there i think, what happened was that i falll from SV while in atmosfere when i logged in , after i died and couldnt spawm in cv too "i didnt died from the fall, only a broken leg and a few hp as dmg, i died from food posioning since i didnt had food on me , its possible to place me in my sv ? or bring my sv down to the planet ?
thx alot =) , fast and good support , have a nice day =)
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