Hey Guys I would Like to make Apology

Since I joined this faction on Na I have Not stole any blueprint . I would Like to say sorry for All the Dreamer I caused people in the past But I am Not taking peoples BPs now Just wanted that to be clear. For the Post I made about how I did it It was Intentions was to help make faction More secure but I have learned from my past. So one last time Sorry for stuff that happed previous. thank you for your time


Now this seems a lot more sincere than your last post on this. Good on you for trying to better yourself. Some may have been so badly burned they will never trust again. Some will dwell on comments of others. This is the heavy price we pay for the mistakes we make. We all make mistakes. It is how we learn from them that makes us grow. I am willing to give you another chance. Don’t let me down. :crossed_fingers:


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