HWS 10 Teaser | Mass & Volume | OCD | Shields | Era of Diamonds | Part 1

Does that mean what you’re carrying in your inventory does not affect the weight of a ship you board? Because I might be able to carry a million but no HV or SV I’m currently using could lift anywhere near that.

What I’m most concerned about is early game. I appreciate what Rexxus is doing to find a good balance, but if it’s balanced to be any challenge at all for Class 5 HVs and SVs, it means the little ones you are capable of building early on won’t be able to move with even a small load of ore. The last time I played on a server with mass and weight activated it was terribly frustrating to have to make multiple trips to move so much as 500 ore from a deposit to a base.


Loki66, from what I have seen on experimental the weight you carry does not get calculated in. Only weight of items in boxes and the ship itself.

just to check shooting trees is not the exploit but infinite wood would be right, I’ve used shotguns to get wood for a while never considered it an exploit as any damage kills trees.

I miss mowing down trees with a cv or SV.

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Good to hear, thanks.

@RexXxuS and @Jascha

Could you please give more details on what exploit you are talking about and exactly what you mean by account pushing? The last thing I want to do is get banned so I want to make sure that I am in full compliance.


no worries about it. Its settled, As others said, its just using the opportunity, which is indeed right and us making a mistake.


I think he means the infinite wood logs exploit.

@SimplePiMan Account pushing means using alternative accounts to store more blocks than you could. Storing them with other real players is allowed, but alternative accounts is not.

As in for the wood logs exploit, you’d know if you used it. No worries. It won’t happen by accident.

Now that the brouhaha over old carbon block prices has receded a bit, I have a few questions and observations about the new carbon blocks.

First, how are these going to work with factory builds and repair bays? Do you load diamonds into their inputs in addition to carbon substrate? If you load one diamond, does that give you up to 1000 CV or 500 SV carbon blocks to spend on future builds or repairs, or is it just load one diamond and any excess that you don’t use for that build or repair is wasted? (Which would make factory builds of ships with 1-200 carbon blocks extremely wasteful.) Or do you manufacture carbon blocks and load those into the factory or repair inputs? Or can they only be manually placed and repaired on existing ships?

Second, why do you get twice as many BA/CV blocks as SV/HV blocks for one diamond? It seems to me it should be the reverse - BA/CV blocks should be more expensive, not less, since they are much larger and would take more material.

Third, are the listed hit points based on the current block values or the nerfed block values for next season? In other words will those listed carbon block hit points be nerfed when steel (including armored and combat) blocks are nerfed? Because if not, making carbon blocks 50% tougher than combat steel AND a small fraction of the weight AND immune to lasers and plasma makes the new carbon blocks insanely overpowered, almost unbeatable.

Fourth, even if you nerf those blocks along with steel ones, the new carbon block is still OP for SVs. It has more hit points than anything else you can build an SV out of, and it is so much lighter that you can easily double or even triple your armor and still need a lot fewer thrusters. And on top of that it’s immune to pulse lasers and each block has 25% more hitpoints - a triple layer still weighs less and has almost four times as many HP as single layer of hardened steel. Again that seems almost unbeatable.

FWIW I think it would be much better to make the new carbon blocks somewhere between plain steel and armored steel as armor. Anything more and it will make all other ships instantly obsolete. This would still leave ships with carbon blocks more heavily armored than anything else because they can just add more layers of armor while still staying lighter in weight. The ability to do that will still make carbon armor advantageous and provide a powerful motive to obtain diamonds, it will just be a significant advantage in combat instead of a completely unbeatable one.

I think that having shields as a counter to lag shot also plays into that but then you’ve got to ask if its such a bad thing?

Plenty players avoid combat rn because they know their designs are out matched, this should emboldened more players to venture into pvp and stop lone wolf pvp pirate hunters picking off noobs with single vollys of fire.

I agree that lag shot is something to be, eliminated but it can be countered by ship design to some degree. Designing vessels is big and one of the most fun parts of this game, if it would be reduced to how the ship looks one of the best parts of this game would be gone.

This can be solved by providing new players with pvp ships which I already suggested in another topic, eliminating pvp ship design is not the way to solve this.

This is the bad thing about shields. Piracy is getting closer to ending with this update.
Eleon already doesn’t care about PvP.

No reason to solve the last bit of PvP we have in empyrion.

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I think shields themselves are not the problem, problem is that shields are not scalable - you can attach shield generator to PVE miner ship and boom it will be almost as strong as PVP battleship

I agree piracy is not a problem, but I also agree that for new players it’s hard at start to get a ship which won’t blow up in few shots

I think you see the problem with new players and their ships. They blow apart in a few shots. This is fine with me.

If you want to give new players your PvP ships to start out with I am ok with it. But it won’t help them learn how to build one from scratch.

Personally I’m fine with just strapping on a shield to make a ship somewhat pvp viable. My hope is the will encourge more people to venture out to pvp with a much reduced entry barrier.

I firmly believe that with equally skilled pilots the design will be the deciding factor, but the shields will simply allow the newer pvpers a measure of being able to fight without being instagibbed due to poor design.

And it’s not viable to talk about pvp and killing n00bs in a poor ship design as if they are the same thing. All newbie ganking does is discourage those ganked from coming back to pvp space, thus possibly robbing us of another pvper due to their bad exp.

Just my 2 cents, we’ll see how it plays out in a10 though because all of this is speculation.

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I speculate that your speculation is speculative at best.

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I can confirm I do speculate until confirmation is received on the speculation. The comfirmative data will negate the speculative nature however.

@Jascha and I will check every high carbon OCD user and how they got it.
If it was abused with the mentioned exploit or multi account pushing (which can be proofed) we will ban / wipe the player. No worry. “ Did you guys try to count how many hours need to collect credits for ocd10 from ocd5 ? Whit shitty trading on this season, whose startet month after season start? Or how many gold ore need dig in pvp ? + rp farming . If plying alone or in small faction whit no alliance its by very hard. Stop smoking … . Rex you not busy for checking ppl ocd for carbon ?

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I thinking 50 cr for carbon blocks is good compensation