Hws 3.0!

Hello dear HWS community, hello traveler,

it is here: Alpha 3.0 and so HWS 3.0!!!
For us it is again kind of revolution update and really big. Not because of the Alpha 3.0 patch notes, mostly because of what we achieved so far and what is coming now.

Let me recap things a bit:
[li] HWS 2.0 ran over 2 months now! With over 2000 new players, with Gigabytes of data and hundred of logs this is an overall amazing runtime and experience[/li]
[li] with an average playercount of 20 and the max of 92 players online we see it is worth what we are doing[/li]
[li] 2 Servers connected together and allowing people to play on botth servers was mostly successful and later even more fun if people see its potential[/li]
[li] A lot of polls where the community took part in the creation of HWS. Hundreds of feedback and of course drama were handled. [/li][/ul]
We also want to thank all of our supporters! You really showing us it is worth our over 2000 hours spent in HWS and keep building features here and there like OCD :wink:

So like always let me introduce the new features, universe and gameplay of HWS 3.0 - please make sure you read it / spread to others cause some important things changed:

[li] a brand new universe! steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f … =741711145 It is bigger, has a lot of feedback and thoughts into it and tries mainly to provide a lot of Alien fights + travelling + PvP / PvE.
The 3D universe map coming shortly[/li][/ul]

[size=150]Features / Gameplay[/size]
[li] a new feature rising: HWS Campaign! It is in alpha stage but that is what we improve over time to grant you a complete new fun game experience. As you join the server you can choose to start in the HWS Campaign Orbit! Fight your way through, best in a team and conquer the orbit + planet to be able to jump from there away to the rest of the HWS universe to be save from the 24 hours daily wipe! Have fun and please give us feedback on that
[li] 2 planets switching periodically to PvP / PvE: Elemental Toll North / South. From Monday to Friday it is PvE. Over the weekend it is PvP to test your defence skills!
[li] Elemental Blackmarket! A PvP orbit with a little different way of Trading Ships… this time whoever is selling his ship in the center of the orbit and manage to survive he gets per day a reward. The reward works following: You get so many credits like your ship has blocks. So selling a ship with 10000 blocks there you would get 10000 credits per day if it is still alive after 24 hours.
[li] NPC Trader! At least it is in progress and waits for jaschas comeback. You have the Economy NPC and Military NPC. You can buy proper materials there depending on your playtime!
[li] Elemental Military Base! Try to build a fortress on that planet cause every week hundreds of hundreds aliens coming to crush you. It is like Surviving waves of aliens. Every wave will be harder / closer to your base / more aliens![/li][/ul]

[li] Offline Protection (OP) is turned off!! Keep that in mind![/li]
[li] A new rule comes into play! “Build and live on PvP playfields at your own risk! Except griefing everything is allowed here!”. On the Rules page at the bottom we give important tips to still be able to survive on PvP playfields
[li] Device Limitation regarding fights. You all know it: fighting in PvP don’t make a lot of fun cause it is like play in g Te tr is. Laggs, laggs, bugs. So we reduce the global device limit even further to Class 3 blueprints (between 250 and 500 devices). Also on HWS we are able to limit the device even after you spawned the bp. Like now you will be warned and finally punished with the R6J - Rule 6 Justice faction. The device limit depends from playfield to playfield[/li][/ul]

[li] HWS PvE Start has now 2 PvE start planets, 1 moon and 1 PvE orbit. Best chances for beginner to prepare for the big PvP party later on. Remember that the start planets will be still wiped every monday and friday and the pve orbit once per week on friday![/li]
[li] 4 Peacekeepers from old good days are back.[/li]
[li] Peacekeeper 1-3 are PvE orbits to park your ships and 1 BA[/li]
[li] Peacekeeper 4 is a PvE orbit but not parking ships / building ba BUT having 3 PvE planets in it which are PvE.[/li]
[li] Global build restriction per player / faction on PvE playfields. So you can only build on one playfield now not on multiple playfields like earlier[/li][/ul]

That’s it for now! We hope this universe / gameplay will hold even longer and everyone of you will enjoy it! Of course it can change / balance here and there but we think it is one of the best universe we ever made.

[size=150]Little roadmap for the future[/size]
[li] balancing Auto Miner[/li]
[li] balancing OCD[/li]
[li] implement / balancing NPC Trader[/li]
[li] improve / balancing HWS Campaign[/li]
[li] improve HWS Connect[/li]
[li] and new crazy ideas like OCD are rising in my head… stay tuned guys! :slight_smile:[/li][/ul]
Thanks again for playing on HWS! What started as a “hm, let’s try, why not” raised to such a great community / project!

And as always if you have suggestions / feedback / wishes / complains visit the
HWS Forum
Eleon Forum
Steam Forum
Steam Group

Your HWS Team

great work! empyrion didnt grab me before i found out about the hws universe.

if it starts today, first reset of start area tomorrow or monday?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Monday! The PvE Orbit next friday then.

Will the ocd,autominer and bank balance transfer successfully?

I had a little moan earlier about a few things…

*a lot of Alien fights
*Offline Protection (OP) is turned off!! Keep that in mind!,
*So you can only build on one playfield now not on multiple playfields like earlier

these have basically made the post redundant. i should probably head over and delete lol :blush:

Keep up the great work, when is server live?

Looking forward to seeing how this game play works out.

Thanks for all the work.

Wow very good work all :smiley:

Awesome universe you made, i think now everyone will find something that suits him :slight_smile:

Long live to HWS server and his team !

EU is up and running!!!

Well shit there goes my weekend

Great job Rex and Jash

[quote=“Duke”]Well shit there goes my weekend

Great job Rex and Jash

Has tye ocd and bank transferred over?

Amazing guys great work as always.

Do you have detailed info about each planet/orbit what they contain.

Thanks guys keep it up.

Survival alien addition _ very nice :smiley:

[quote=“TheRaven”]Amazing guys great work as always.

Do you have detailed info about each planet/orbit what they contain.

Thanks guys keep it up.[/quote]

Will make it soon… busy with the motorbike bug :frowning:

[quote=“RexXxuS”][quote=“TheRaven”]Amazing guys great work as always.

Do you have detailed info about each planet/orbit what they contain.

Thanks guys keep it up.[/quote]

Will make it soon… busy with the motorbike bug :frowning:[/quote]

Thanks Rexxxus :mrgreen:

Has the blueprint restrictions been lowered for 3.0?
I noticed blueprints I could use in 2.0 I can no longer use in 3.0.

[quote=“Bansheedragon”]Has the blueprint restrictions been lowered for 3.0?
I noticed blueprints I could use in 2.0 I can no longer use in 3.0.[/quote]

Yeah. To reduce the inital laggs we went with Class 3 BP. You can build after it more on it till the HWS limits come into play. But more about this later

[quote=“Bansheedragon”]Has the blueprint restrictions been lowered for 3.0?
I noticed blueprints I could use in 2.0 I can no longer use in 3.0.[/quote]
yes -1 class

Hi, I’ve tried HWS Campaign (a hard start), but I am a little bit confused. To start a base I had to find Sathium asteroid (SC can be placed only there). Then I started my small base - energy+constructor, but I cant build anything as I am at level 1. I am able to earn only small amount of experience by mining. The result is that I am not able to build SV or weapons, so no way to attack enemies…

Am I missing something? How to survive and get to the planet? Should I try the luck and attack enemy ships/bases only flying with jetpack?

Another question… If I use eb:reset, will I loose items in OCD and AM?

Thx for any advice.

HWS Campaign is indeed a very hard starting mode for Experienced people (as mentioned in the very first description before you join the server)

Capture the POIs loot your way through a sv. Fly to hws Campaign planet and Build your cv before everything’s get wiped every24 hour. That is the mission.

No auto miner and OCD are save. You can use cb:restart and keep it

The only bad thing i see about the device limits is that glass counts as device as does decorations. So we have options of having ugly ships that can maybe defend themselves or pretty ships with no weapons. I know most of the lag is from people stacking turrets on top of turrets…I wish there was a way to make some less laggy blocks not count as devices.