HWS 4.0 after patch

Only thing I see with having the owner being charged is if he goes inactive. I agree though taxes for every member does seem a bit high as it is.

We will reduce the costs and finding a good formular, hold on

Thank you for the hard work and quick response. Could you please hold taxes until the new rules are in place?

You mean members?

Basically our large faction base will be private to me, put every door, cargo etc has a code they know, so they can use like it is theirs but pay not rent, also, no one can steal…(they all have different codes to their part of base)

It was done primarily so its like having bases within a base, no one can touch your items but the faction owner (me) who ofc wouldn’t steal.

No one else could use P or anything to steal other members stuff…:slight_smile:

Yeah sorry Universe is the only other member i have :smiley: but do they need to type the code each time they want to open or use a thing ? i hope not or it will be fun killer. I’d rather put all in faction not private for easy use :slight_smile: I’m sure Rex will find the right balance ^^

One of the reason imo this is the best server, Rex and crew really working hard to allow " everyone" a good place to enjoy this game.

*sucks up for that free pentax

I got a question regarding pirate RP:

Just read though the HWS Guide 4.0 where it states: “Get 7 RP per day if no structure can be found on PvE at all”

A reason for me to choose pirate faction was the pve hideout possibility in combination with the non defined but mentioned new RP rule “nothing was built in PVE” (read that like nothing was built the last day) - did i just get that proposal wrong or is that a fault?

If its the case i wont ever see a single RP, and sense of pirateplanet is questionable.

Please clarify - Ah and everything else is fine :wink:

in HWS 3.0 pirates were not allowed to even put a foot on PvE at all.
So now we allow it but you as a pirate has to decide: aggressive or passive? Passive then live with no RP. Aggressive take some RP to maybe settle down later on PvE if you have some collected.
The fa:supply package is addressing the aggressive ones.

Yeah - so I raised that in the preview and the basic response was that the Pirate world was for someone who had the RP to live there. So you had to go “earn” the right to be able to afford it.

That made sense before you could lose RP - now it does’t.

So even if you went out and lived in PvP, built up your rep till you had 100 rep points and moved in at your PvE planet…your time there is very much limited as every single time you die the cost of living goes up but you cannot gain RP anymore. So you will have to abandon your base eventually and not just cause you cannot afford it.

For Traders it’s super easy - they just need to take a jump a day and it gets cheaper for them. Oh and infinite OCD.

At this point from my perspective the only good thing about being a pirate over lawless is that our OCD cooldown is 12h.

This is why there are so many “fake” traders. There is no real benefit to be a pirate or lawless - you get the short end of the stick on everything.

You can’t tell me that the advantage is that you can attack anyone - the fact that you can attack and BE attacked by anyone kinda cancels each other out.

Yeah and as mentioned before there was no good reason to be pirate in 3.0 - lawless made more sense.

Now that the PvE restriction is lifted, Pirates are basically Lawless + 12 Hour OCD cooldown. That’s it. There is no other befits compared to Easy Mode Traders. (Please don’t mention the supply package. It’s not relevant. It’s scraps that could be earned in 1 evening of casual playing)

Hunters and Alliance get RP for free. It’s literally 7RP a day for existing.

Pirates are the only faction right now who has to risk something to earn RP. That’s flat out not fair.

You said the goal behind 4.0 was to promote PvP - so far all I see is promotion of everyone going Trader.

You take it a bit too easy.

  1. 7 RP per day is now a lot and Pirates are in the nature not a race to live on PvE with a Base. Pirates are always mobile. Always under risk. Simple: no risk, no fun. The supply package supporting this. So collecting RP makes completely sense to store it up if you go to vacation for example and let a CV on that Pirate Planet. Also as a pirate you should earn enough money to get a good living. Example: your CV is 5000 blocks and 50 devices? In only 3 days PvP stay you would only have to pay 11,9k credits per day. Your Auto Miner at level 10 produces in 3 days 18k credits. So in the end it would be cheap

  2. Trader were abused as Pirates in HWS 3.0. Ammo draining was daily business with them. Instead of adjusting the OCD get cooldown they lose 4 RP per death now. They will think twice about that strategy now. And by the way, everyone has “infinite” OCD if he / she is on a PvE playfield. Having a cooldown on PvP makes sense as the other aggressive factions could get explosives all the time

  3. Only alliance get passively RP but don’t have a supply package in return. Also it is because of the meta. We look and see which faction needs a boost / nerf and react.

  4. PvP yep. Since we don’t have a permanent PvE playfield anymore. Even the faction planets are not really permanent for you because sooner or later you have to get out and farm promethium / gold. And this is a nice deal for pirates.

Anyways we see how the meta will go in 4.0. With the Auto Miners, the strong BA / CV it will change for sure. Trader are not OP but just playing their role more than others then.
If there become more fake traders, acting like pirates nevertheless we see how we balance it. The goal would be an API for us which allows us to see when player X killed player Y. Then we could boost everything a lot.

Stay tuned…

Yeah, sad but true. Nevertheless i would never switch to Trader or similar simply because it wouldn`t suite my playstyle.

So planet is for billionaire pirates XD. Na, maybe not that much - built a small Basic base with 10 cargo boxes 36 growing plos etc…all in all ~70 devices no lights (only exterieur work lights through man safe open wall) and almost no Windows) have to pay about 30k a day…

This is not true. None of us were able to use our OCD on the Pirate homeworld.[quote=“RexXxuS, post:32, topic:1403”]
your CV is 5000 blocks and 50 devices?

Nobody flies a 50 device CV - I had one and it coudln’t even have lights to have that count. Try 150ish is bare minimum.

Sure you do - the planets. Lets be frank, in 30 days an Alliance player has 210 rp - for doing nothing at all. They can sit in PvE all day long and every single day their rent goes down. That 210 rp would reduce a 6mil 0rp tax to - 30k. So they can spawn that class 4 ship and pay for it with peanuts. Literally for taking NO risks.

Like I said - Pirates are the only ones who need to risk anything to earn RP.

Yeah but why? What’s the point of that? It’s not worth the pentaxit to jump to the pirate homeworld for that scrap heap.

You’re better off building 3 CVs in PvP space for free and using those as primary and backup bases. In fact just build a BA in deep space so you can use the BA repair block and your’e done.

ah well that was temporary. It should work again. (there were too massive chat spam about legacy code, that pirates are not allowed on pve)

That is your opinion / gamestyle. Keep in mind: it don’t has to be your all-in death destroyer you park there. It is always about a backup plan in a survival game imho.

I don’t know why people would do this and never saw one but you are right. It is your decision how you play that game.

Sure, that is the nature of Pirates. Since they can attack and loot those rich traders, alliances it should be in balance.

Instead of bashing: what would be your suggestion?

A survival plan that prevents me form earning RP AND costs a fortune? More like an albatross around my neck no?

I’m not bashing - I raised these concerns before and you said that factions were getting re-balanced overall.

I think that pirates not being able to earn RP for having assets in PvP is too much. I thought I made that clear before and I am making it clear again:

Pirates are the only faction that have to take risks to earn RP. This is not fair.

10 RP if no assets in PvE
5 RP if assets in PvE passive.

That’d be my suggestion.

Also I would totally exclude SVs from tax.

Eh. I think that that isn’t a steep enough penalty for a PvP faction hiding behind a PvE planet.

My concern is that, if you are a pirate, there is no way to recover RP that you lose after death if you have any structure on a PvE playfield. That means that if you want to build a base you better not die or else you will have to scrap it every time you lose too much RP and rebuild it after gaining that RP back.

I like the idea of the RP passive being degraded based on whether or not you build on a PvE world but my suggestion would be a scaling penalty based on the size of the BA/CV you have on the world. If you were to have the current passive of 7RP/day if you haven’t built on a PvE planet, have a scaling penalty to that amount based on block or device count.

It still heavily penalizes any permanent PvE presence, which maintains the spirit of the change, but doesn’t make it impossible to build a small BA and keep it even if you die and lose some RP.

My issue with the current system is that it’s all or nothing. If one member of your faction forgets to move out of a PvP system that rotates to PvE the next day, everyone is screwed. If there is a scaling penalty you still feel it but it isn’t crippling.

I simply dont wanna travel 50km each time after a journey or similar.. thats why im happy to have at least a small base with a couple 100k storageroom… Another Point is that even 50km ain`t save / once - after a bug I respawned in an enemy unpowered PvP base 30km in space…

Nevertheless i would definetly appreciate a possibility to earn at least a couple of RP as safe pirate to ease our business a bit. - maybe just set a max RP eg 10 or 20

Why pay for that when you could have an OCD?

I genuinely do not see the point.

Yeah CVs can be found - but it’s rare and that’s why you have multiple CVs. Before the wipe we had 5? If we lost 1 it’d not have been that big of a deal.

Look at it this way, even if all you are paying for your small base is 20k/day - that buy you plenty of resources. Are you sure it’s worth it?

Thanks for the suggestions.
We will think about it and try to find a good way to keep Pirate still a “no risk, no fun” faction but a bit more fitted into the other ones.

If it is really about taxes in general keep this in mind though: