HWS 4.0 after patch

Hey guys,

so how is the new universe so far?

We adjusted some values regarding feedback.

  1. you get 7 RP per day now if you are in a faction and the conditions are met. See HWS Guide Slide 24+
  2. All supply packages got adjusted / buffed!
  3. Jascha was so nice and gave your RP and Money back from the first expensive day at a Faction planet. Nevertheless it showed me that you did not read. It is intentional that this is expensive! The minecraft era is over and it is for small shiny backup bases purpose. If you want Class 4 stuff on that planet - pay for it!
  4. The features like NPC Trader and HWS Marketplace coming in the next hours step by step

Please make sure to read the HWS Guide, also about the rule 4. If you have orange / red blueprints even though you only have 20 turrets that the limit of each turret wasn’t respected.

Your HWS Team


Couldnt test all, while catching Errors) But looks interesting. I think will see more on weekend.

Do we have to pay for parked vessels too?

Ehm, only for parked stuff. Any structure

So landed ships like SVs also count?

Who is the first to be billed? We have a faction of I think 7 people now - so we are likely to be paying quite a bit of tax - but which of us pays it?

Also we desperately need something like tax:info that would tell us our current tax.

Also what happens if we as a faction are 100% broke after taxes and can no longer pay? Wipe? Would there be a warning/grace period?

I guess it’s the owner of the faction who get billed, but only Rex can confirm that ^^

I see I need to describe this new feature more in detail…

  • Every single structure
  • If the structure is private - you. If the structure is faction - everyone from the faction
  • The planet is for everyone so a player who is playing alone should have the same chance there as a 10 people faction. The more you have, the more you pay. Easy.
  • tax:info or for now something in HWS Connect is a good idea
  • If you don’t have any penny left in your bags your stuff goes to HWS. Not implemented right now, but we see who don’t pay and doing it manually. We implement a better, automatic way soon

That’s what I suspect as well - but with a larger faction it may be a nightmare for the leader to collect fees if someone in the faction builds something.

It’s extra rough for pirates as someone building a single structure in PvE prevents whole faction from earning RP as I understand which will make it tough to build rep.

Hang on - am I reading that right, the tax applies to EVERY player? Meaning it’s not per faction?

Are you seriously saying that 5 players would need to pay FIVE times more for the same structure as a 1 player faction with that structure? That makes no sense at all and makes faction planets 100% useless.

Rex i get the idea behind that, but if you have 10 persons in your faction, it doesn’t mean you get 10x richer, it’s only a possibility depending on individual playing time on the server.

For example, Universe will probably join back our faction tonight or this weekend, but he only comes time to time to mainly battle in pvp, i’m the one who got the money not him so how do we proceed ?

That’s exactly our problem. Some of our players are very casual and others are totally new to the game - as in last night was the first time they played - so they’d run out of money overnight today if we built anything at all or even someone ignorant landed a single SV on the planet.

I may have a solution, in your equation Number of block * number of device / RP, you can eventually add another ratio factor which is time spent on server, i think a good one can be “time spent (hours) / 300” to get in the end :

Number of block * number of device * (number of hours / 300) / RP.

So for example, i have 600 hours in the server meaning i will pay 2x the amount comparing to now, but a player with 20 hours will pay 15x less. the more you play the more you pay.

Right now i’m afraid faction story planets will end up being empty :frowning: if you want to keep that amount of charges, i think you better change again faction planet as PVP like in previous HWS and makes a kind of peacekeeper (with no link to story) planet with your actual paying rules. Faction planet should be occupied by players for the story and faction you created like it was in HWS 2.0 with plenty of people on them :slight_smile:

This is my opinion, as i settled on Hunter planet because we’re hunter not because it’s PVE, if you change back faction planet PVP i will stay on it :smiley:

Well it’s just some ideas after patch ^^

That’s actually what we are leaning towards - totally vacating the faction world and not returning. It’s easier to build mothership CV and move it with the PvE rotation than to afford the tax for the same CV in a faction planet.

It’s not that big of a deal to us as we lived in PvP space all of 3.0 - but I was admittedly looking forward to building a base rather than more and more backup CVs.

Also we’re pirates - so we would get 0 rep forever as having even 1 pve asset and losing rp on death will probably prevent us from gaining rep. This wouldn’t be so bad if tax wasn’t so crippling. Again as before Traders are the most OP faction. Infinite OCD and easiest way to get rep.

I would happily have PVP planet…if we had alliance/war tags, It’s pointless PVP Faction planets ATM, you wouldn’t be safe on your own planet from others of the same faction, Traders turrets killing traders, CV killing CV…its too much dramas ATM and you would have less people.

My faction will have a base on Hunter planet, that will be private to me, So i pay…however, they all have 4 digit pin number to areas so they all have their own area etc…

Only thing i would like to see addressed as i didn’t even know was the case is that every faction member pays for for each faction device, that’s pretty bad. 4 faction members, each one has lets say a few SV on planet…Maybe a small CV. you looking at paying for 12 devices but only using 2-3 yourself…not sure anyone could really afford, everyone could set to private but then we dont have the share ability…

not sure a fix exists tho, If its under faction by default its open to all…so how can the Admins make it so only 1 person pays?

Maybe a system where SV isnt charged, that is the only real drama here, CV can be kept off planet but you need to travel to and from CV…

Wouldn’t work for Pirates though who are free to attack other pirates.

Really I’d be happy if the cost was either drastically lowered or pirates had any sort of means of maintaining a base and earning RP.

As of right now it’s essentially not feasible for pirates to use their faction world.

The easiest way should be to bill the owner, at leat it can only be one person ^^ and frankly i thought it was like that since the first time we spoke about HWS 4.0, i didn’t think everyone will be billed in the faction…i made some calculation before HWS 4.0 but the first day after patch i learned this and interest going to 1% i/o 3% change a lot the invoice :smiley:

And yes without an alliance system and the new turrets it will be a mess if it was PVP i agree with that ^^ too bad :frowning:

Ofc it would, you just don’t become allies with other pirates…It wouldn’t be an automatic thing, you would have to click on faction and select ‘Make ally’

Everyone else is just your enemy so i guess just an ‘Ally’ tab needed :wink:

So if i don’t want Universe to pay a cent, i need to put my BA/CV/SV in private with code and that will do the trick ?

Defeats the whole purpose of being pirates though. The idea behind the pirate world the way I see it is that it’s a ‘safe’ space for pirates. Think of it as Port Royal which at one point served as a safe harbor for pirates and privateers. A place where pirates hung out and got along just fine and provided mutual protection from the Navy thus maintaining the safe heaven - but out in the open sea things were not quite the same.

I DO think pirates need a safe heaven. Else they get hamstrung harder than any other faction by far - thus you see everyone going Trader (Infinite OCD and rep just for warping is easy mode)