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I tested against static targets and moving targets. Taking into account lag and ship collisions also. In space SV vs SV feels really good, on planets it’s not bad either until you get a lag stutter at which point you can drill somebody. But If Rex is changing the shutters to absorb a few more shots then that should help with that. You’ll probably still be screwed if you hit the ground or run out of fuel, or run into the massive lag walls on certain planets due to player created bases even for a few seconds. You’ll be dead or severely damaged before you can recover or hit p and refuel
For CVs the battles lasted longer than I was expecting originally given the damage that the weapons do to static targets, but that is due to them being easy to dodge. If the CVs collide even slightly it allows for major damage to be done in a very short time. There is also certain combat tactics and maneuvering that allows more consistent hitting (still not great) that I will not give away.

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Alien blocks are gotten for example from ninja mission, one of the boxes that has all kinds of blocks in it.
4 every run.


For further testing:
we found out that splash in MP is currently broken…

BA Rockets, Flak, Plasma Turrets etc. do no splash damage. Only in Singleplayer. Must be fixed before Monday.

Shutter windows have less triangles like you said in announcements before or wont be implemented? Thank you for you time

Windows = devices.
Shutter Window = triangles.

Factor: https://empyrion-homeworld.net/tools/emp-class-calculator

i was referencing to this :slight_smile:

"Each weapon got a purpose and if you actually care about it, you can get very quick and fun results.
But even if not — you can still rely on the Homing Missles (also depending on the lag situation).
Keep in mind that even though Macro usage will be common and is allowed, it isn’t that effective if used wrong. I think in the end someone with 100% skill can beat everyone effectively, marco or not.
Last but not least the Shutter Windows have less Triangles and it gives PvP buildes now a new level of depth for their builds"

Ah right, it depends on the example… some blocks have more than 12 triangles.
Shutter Window = 12 Triangles.

It’s partially wrong, depending on what block you use and how you built them (white space or not)

The meaning was just: make good decisions. Either have a “shield” for your ship and sacrifice a class or not.

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A shutter is equivalent to a flat wall block for triangles. It won’t up your class size much to place them on the outside of your ship but creating an internal layer adds the effect of internal surface area which contributes to your triangle count and drastically increases class size. It’s no worse than using pyramid blocks inside your ship though and at least offers real protection other than being a potential protection from lag-shots, and also provides some protection from lag-shots.

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I love SV plasma against CV! Finally a Sv could be a seriuos threat to a Cv ( if the CV turrets wont shoot :stuck_out_tongue: )
Killing a Cv with a Sv is a combination of plasma making holes in the combat steel and railgun for turrets. a bit tricky but hey is sv vs cv! Maybe a group of sv can take down a cv? Who knows!! :smiley:
One thing is sure…Cv wont land safely on pvp planets anymore!!!

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Unless you changed the homing speed from the live server, it should be fine. What he was saying is that most SV pilots know how to dodge art fire. (You basically have to face tank a HV in order to get hit by it.)

I’d also love to see a swarm of SV take out a CV and with this config it could happen but there’s still 2 things stopping this from really happening consistently.
First, a CV in space can be just as fast and maneuverable as an SV, and with it’s much greater volume and surface area, it’s difficult to hit any one location repeatedly in order to cause the kind of vital internal damage you would want.
Second, SV have no way of auto targeting the warp drive so it’s very unlikely that they’ll disable the CV’s escape ability very quickly.
But either way, SVs can’t just be ignored now

A SV can already take out a pre-fab CV at least with the current config. What they need to do is give CVs a role, and adapt their mechanics to that.

For example: CVs are large carriers/slow moving bases - not large SVs with turrets.


Totally agree. I’ve been telling Eleon that since they got the bright idea to implement t2 rcs. CV don’t need to and shouldn’t be able to turn like that. They should be big, slow, hulking battleships with very tough armor and powerful weapons made to blow up each other and bases and rely on SV support to defend them from fighter attacks in my opinion but that’s not how the game is built. But a SV attack shouldn’t be a threat to destroy the CV, but to strip off its weapons/thrusters should they be exposed.


With the feedback I got and my own tests and the splash damage fixed in the internal game build I suggest you test everything again. This is will however be also the final version since alpha 8.5 will be released on Monday.

But as I said, we then adjust from there until 12th September for a hopefully cool season.

Keep your eyes especially open on monday for

  • Improved Rail guns — they are a total monster against turrets and devices but of course you must hit first… so skill wins here. (take in account that we have HWS Garage ships with more than 4 Rail guns… this counts for all weapons…)

  • Rebalanced Artillery and Plasma (Plasma did more damage than Artillery)

  • Cannon Turrets will have lower range but are also effective against turrets (Heavy Metal) — this will solve the silly redundancy with the Minigun turrets while motivate good players for close combat rather than fly away and CVs on planets will be more attractive but still very vulnerable to SVs

  • Some other refinements about range balancements. This will take a long test phase though. On the one hand we try to reduce some ranges to force close combat to see the damage and vital spots in combat and reduce performance strain since projectiles are not that long in air to render. On the other hand close combat means more rendering load. A first version goes live on Monday, please test good. (not taking all planet atmosphere changes into account yet)

Last but not least: don’t get irritated by the “Damage” value you see in the Info!
That is just a kind of… “base” value Empyrion calculates with.
If for example the Plasma Turret says 17000 damage this is NOT the real damage.
Everything depends later on the impact material, etc.

There was a rough rule that the base damage have to be devided by 15 to get the real damage per block. But on top of that there are coming multipliers again. Bit tricky so rather test by look & feel than an excel value sheet!

This all sounds great, in a high performance setting.

However, lag and disconnects are the achilles heel.

Have/are these being addressed? Granted, many past attempts – is there real progress?

Every cv battle I went into this season resulted in multiple dc’s.

Lag makes aiming with fixed weapons (cv or sv) nearly impossible.

Restrictions on playfields will help with this. Unfortunately, lag is part of Empyrion and that more or less has to be addressed on the Eleon side of things, so while I understand and feel your pain we just gotta make due with what we’ve got.

Hopefull shorter range projectiles will help reduce server load in combat since all those missed shots don’t have to be tracked nearly as long. Of course we’ll have to play test it to see how it actually performs in reality.

Shorter range projectiles on CVs can get silly. We tried it in version 6 I think (or Eleon did). It felt strange that my 200m long CV could only fire 600-700m in front of it. Surely they are meant for long distance encounters rather than just being bigger SVs. In fact on that last point - 20 or so fixed guns makes a CV essentially a big SV with a few turrets :frowning: I hope thats not the route we’re gonna go down. Macro users will be overjoyed thats for sure. That aside, I am looking forward to these changes - its always good to try new things. Thanks to Rex for keeping it fresh.

For CV and Base turrets I’d rather just increase projectile speed. I agree though CV fights should be fought at 1km or so.

There are 3 potential solutions to the underlying problem; most weapons are ineffective in combat.

  1. Reduce ranges to force battles to be in the range where the other weapons are effective. This has benefits of being able to see the details of the damage happening to your enemy and precise targeting. It carries the problem of increasing the potential of ship collisions however, which could become a problem.
  2. Increase projectile speed/accuracy. This has the benefit of allowing all weapons to be useful at their stated ranges. It also makes CV weapons a prohibitively dangerous to SVs.
  3. Slow down CV speed and maneuverability, increasing the effective range of heavy CV weapons without actually affecting their performance directly. Currently it’s not hard for even a class 7 to dodge a plasma or artillery at 250m, much less 600m. If the ships weren’t that fast and couldn’t dodge a shot at 500m, the effective range of the weapon would be increased by that much. Adverse effects would be increased travel time in space for CVs.