Will fix that. sorry. Still some parts we cant do. But that also should be possible the next days without relog
[quote=“RexXxuS, post:21, topic:2258”]
for now there is a bug with the new api that if you fly with ships with weapons you have in the left slotbar you lose all your RP.
[/quote]Does this also apply to EU? Does this also bug if you do not use any commands while flying with a ship-gun in the toolbar?
We do not exactly know what it caused. So far it was when the tool actually banned someone. But somehow some others complained too. We have to check that.
Since the Game-Update a few hours ago the inital problem should be solved. But we still have to see if someone looses his RP.
Afterwards we will give the old RP back.
I just lost roughly 474 RP… Can it be restored please? I need it.
I didn’t even OCD or anything I believe. I was just talking while standing in base and suddenly, gone.
Last evidence of my RP
And chat was going crazy with other people “where is my RP!” Wish it wouldn’t be rolled out to EU server yet if NA also still has the problems. But perhaps then it can be faster to locate the problem.
Also if you spam fa:info, you get different results:
To reproduce: type fa:info and you will get an entry with your old RP and another one with your ‘new’ RP. Almost as if I have multiple RP database entries for the same character. @Jascha I hope this is useful info.
Even TWO posts above your post you have the answer! And instead posting how many hundreds rp you lost too just stop this panic attack in giving these helpless souls the link to that forum here…
You meant this answer?
He said he didn’t know the cause and that it should have been solved. It 's not solved so I still assume that you do not know what the problem is. Then I posted because you always love evidence… And I found out something weird about the server keeping track of my RP twice or more.
And yes I think people should go to the forum to (at least) read about it, if not post about it.
Server needs a “message of the day” that you can put up so that people can read about important bugs/news when they login or when the message is changes for cases like this.
I probably misunderstood the situation or perhaps misread it or whatever (still do) so my apologies for posting that. Next time I will PM
I noticed that all server messages are sent to me twice as well.
So I’ll repeat my ‘Death - Where is Thy Sting?’ mantra.
Each time you swear, as I recall, the penalty for doing so expands.
What if each time you died (to base turret fire)(within 24 hrs and once you passed a minimum threshold of deaths) the timer lengthened so that when you died the 20th time (example), your wait to log in was now up to … .20 minutes?
Can’t really zerg successfully under this scenario.
Shoot holes in it, citing other possible scenarios like being attacked repeatedly, but until death carries more of a penalty, it’s hardly a minor nuisance for some.
I want to point out that I specified death by base turret fire here…
Enjoy while it lasts ;).
We also found the problem… the API. We fixed it for now, but we Devs have to fix something on their part to make it really work.
Sorry for the trouble. I’m sure soon we will have the API under full control and can play normal again…
EDIT Sorry, will PM instead
Thats the thing. I don’t really want that as I do not think it reflects risk vs reward well.
So far I have died thrice PvP in 4.0.
I died way more to monsters poisoning me and so on than PvP by a wide margin.
I do not think someone getting killed 4 times in a row while trying to get their backpack back from a failed POI raid should be penalized.
So getting back to risk vs reward.
We already put all the good stuff in PvP as it should be. Problem is OCD kinda neuters the whole thing as you can ocd put everything all day long and death means nothing.
Its ultimately not just about the person killed being penalized its also about the killed being rewarded. Nobody wants to kill someone and just get canned veggies a t2 drill and some charges as a reward.
5AP has had control of Gold planet for over a week now and I really doubt that they managed to loot much gold from the miners who have been sneaking in to steal 5APs gold.
Where is the risk in dropping on gold in a junk SV and mining away while you ocd put all your stuff? It’s just reward.
@RexXxuS posted earlier that in 5.0 he wants PvP to be about resources rather than just for fun. As long as the OCD is as trivial to use as it is today there will never be a reward to PvP besides fun.
Most of LBPs loot during PvP has largely come from stripping ships to the last block after the multitool buff. It’s been rare to find great loot on CVs or in backpacks in space.
I meant this
and this
But all good now I hope. We found one big issue…
Message of the day… yeah… not that people reading our messages anyway in game but I try to spam such things more in chat next time…
Thanks for the report though
It’s a good idea, but in circumstances when two factions have a base on planet, and the resources to constantly throw at each other through a siege - he could die, respawn at home, and bring a new goodie back into the mix.
What should happen on the gold planet is the total prohibition of building bases, and the blocking of ocd in the pvp planets, should not work, only in space, but only this does not totally solve the problem, because by the market eleon you can by your Gold there for your friends to withdraw remotely, but this change would already bring a lot of gold mining risk and would completely change the logistics on the planet, I suggest we should increase even more the planet’s gravity, mining in gold should be done using only SV and HV. The most intense and dynamic combats …
But this should be as soon as possible, in the next wipe for example could already be tested.
Credits, RP and do:bp working again.
do:bp needs a “cb:start” after “cb:yes” though (for now)!
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No worries, love the updates!!