Changelog v108 | Active with the new HWS 10 season
With the help of the community and observations, we adjust values continuously to improve the gameplay on HWS.
A new era of PvP and PvE coming with Alpha 10 / HWS 10 - the implementation of Shields, Mass & Volume and reworked Thrusters.
Reworked EWS for Shields
EWS has a sub-level of effectiveness. The steps are now:- Not Effective = 0,1 of the base damage
- Base Damage = base damage (factor 1)
- Effective = base damage multiplied by 5
Very Effective = base damage multiplied by 10
This allows us to make better fine tuning towards EWS.
Completely reworked Mass and Volume values
The vanilla values of Mass and Volume for items are simply put: Singleplayer driven. Any MP server with mods like our OCD, can’t properly use Vanilla Mass & Volume. So I went ahead and changed every single value on relevant items. It should hopefully feel much better, less frustrating but still force decisions regarding ship design. -
Changed Stack Size of every item to 50 000
With Mass & Volume enabled there is no need of regular Stack Sizes anymore. It would not make sense to transport 50 000 Gold Ingots but only 20-100 Apples in your Backpack. Prepare your Armor / Booster and see yourself how much you can transport with you or your ship -
Changed couple of template craft costs
For example Pentaxid Refined. Before you needed 1 Raw Pentaxid to get 2 Refined. In HWS 10 you need 5 Raw Pentaxid to get 10 Refined. This should encourage trading and exploring in a better way due quantity -
Era of Diamonds - reworked Carbon Blocks
To give you a very special way to play around Mass & Volume, in HWS 10 you get very light but robust Carbon Blocks for your structures. Real life got ignored for too long that Carbon is ~3 times lighter than Steel but ~5 times stronger. This will be respected in HWS too now.
But since there is no Chemistry in Empyrion and you can “craft” Carbon out of Wood and Stone, I enhanced the crafting process and 1 Diamond is required for couple of Carbon Blocks now. Diamonds in real life contain 100% pure carbon, so these blocks will be very lucrative to trade, build and find!
Attention: the biggest weakness of Carbon Blocks are Alien Turrets! Every Turret do effective damage and should not be used against POIs! -
Reduced Mass of couple of Ammo
All weapons should do no effective damage against terrain anymore
Increased Stargate hitpoints to 1000
Adjusted almost every handheld weapon regarding damage and rate of fire
Eleon started to give handheld weapons more love. We both inspired each other, so I took from vanilla what I thought could make sense for HWS. Please check ingame the changed values -
Backpack Armor Volume rework
The Volume system in Multiplayer is a hard challenge. Too high and it’s useless, too low and it causes frustration with features like OCD, OAM, EGS Recycle, etc. As a first start we are going with values around millions. The other reason for that is the stack size change of everything to 50000. This could attract massive cargo players transport from A to B.
5 Million Volume still cause some decision to make use of the WiFi Logistic system and special Cargo Container. -
Booster Volume rework
To give you even more options to play around with Volume you can put Booster into your Armors to increase your backpack Volume Capacity. Mobility Boost = +2 million VC. Multi Boost = +1 million VC. But watch out, they have their own price with reduced movement speed and higher hungry values. -
Increased Plasma Cannon ROF by 10%
Increased Plasma Cannon Epic ROF by 30%
Increased Plasma Cannon + Epic Damage by 25%
Increased plasma travel speed by 10%
Increased Plasma Cannon Epic Degradation by 30%
Increased Laser Rifle ROF by 25%
Increased Laser Rifle damage by 15%
Increased Laser Rifle Epic reload delay by 10%
Increased Laser Rifle Epic damage by 10%
Reduced Laser Rifle Epic recoil by 10%
Reduced Laser Rifle recoil by 15%
Reduced Plasma Cannon Epic recoil by 30%
SV / HV Thruster
Reworked every SV/HV Thruster to give especially Jet Thruster finally a purpose
Current EXP version is a linar progression for every Thruster, starting from the smallest one. For the HWS 10 release it will be rather a little different formula, making bigger Jet Thrusters more efficient.
Reworked Shield
- Reworked Shield Generator Hitpoints for all types
- SV = 100000 = 100 Pentaxid in total
- HV = 33333 = 150 Pentaxid in total
- BA = 35000 = 200 Pentaxid in total
- BAT2 = 56000 = 250 Pentaxid in total
- CV = 83333 = 300 Pentaxid in total
- CVT2 = 142857 = 350 Pentaxid in total
Shield Capacity
- SV = 3m
- HV = 5m
- BA = 7m
- BAT2 = 14m
- CV = 25m
- CVT2 = 50m
Recharge back to 100%
- SV = 10 seconds
- HV = 20 seconds
- CV = 30 seconds
- BA = 40 seconds
- CVT2 = 50 seconds
- BAT2 = 60 seconds
- 5 seconds cooldown for CV
- 7 seconds cooldown for BA
- 10 seconds cooldown for HV
- 15 seconds cooldown for SV
I didn’t like the same cooldown for every structure anymore. I think with Sci-fi movies in mind, big motherships are the way to go if thinking about shields. Hence the possibility to enhance and recharge the shield is always the top priority. The more agile the structure, the longer the cooldown basically
Updated EWS to recent changes about Shields, Carbon and more
Increased Plasma travel speed by 110%
this dramatic change should make plasma a serious threat and proper decision choice in dogfights or other combat scenarios -
Homing Rockets do Effective damage to Shields now
Increased Homing Rocket damage by 10%
Increased Homing Rocket Launcher ROF by 20%
Increased Rail Gun damage by 10%
Increased Pulse Laser damage by 25%
Increased Plasma Cannon damage by 20%
Increased Rocket Launcher damage by 150%
Due EWS Concrete blocks were too powerful - especially if build in ships (Garage). The rockets fly very slow, so make sure to dodge them. Otherwise it’s satisfying to see their destruction -
Added Splash Damage to Rail Gun Bullets
The Railgun is a mix of a projectile and explosion. To make it more effective against Carbon, I think splash is the way to go. It’s also a bigger threat to builders, clumping their devices together -
Reduced Plasma ROF by 10%
Rocket Turrets do Effective damage to Shields now
Updated EWS to recent changes about Shields, Carbon and more
Increased Homing speed of Rocket Turret by 20%
Increased Plasma travel speed by 110%
this dramatic change should make plasma a serious threat and proper decision choice in dogfights or other combat scenarios -
Increased Plasma Turret ROF by 40%
to catch the little birds better -
Increased Rocket Turret ROF by 15%
Increased Artillery Turret ROF by 10%
Increased Rocket Turret damage by 5%
Increased Artillery Turret rocket travel speed by 70%
Increased Rocket Turret rocket travel speed by 45%
Exponential Thruster Thrust formula than linear
The Large HV Thruster is like the old one now
Rocket Turrets do Effective damage to Shields now
Flak Turrets have the same splash damage as base damage now
*Flak has a similar role as Railgun. Partially piercing, mostly explosive splash. On HWS, every splash explosive weapon do half damage of the base damage. Flak Turrets have now a special role. -
Updated EWS to recent changes about Shields, Carbon and more
Increased Rocket Turret rocket travel speed by 70%
Increased Rocket Turret Homing speed by 50%
Increased Plasma Turret projectile travel speed by 10%
Increased Plasma Turret reload delay by 15%
Reduced Plasma Turret damage by 50%
Reduced Plasma Turret ROF by 10%
Reduced RCS T2 Torque by 50%
Since I reduced the Mass of almost every relevant items by 30-70% I also have to take RCS in mind. Otherwise CVs behaved like crazy agile lizards -
Reduced Artillery Turret rocket travel speed by 25%
See Base Artillery Turret info
Rocket Turrets do Effective damage to Shields now
Flak Turrets have the same splash damage as base damage now
Updated EWS to recent changes about Shields, Carbon and more
Increased Rocket Turret Reload Delay by 10%
Increased Rocket Turret rocket travel speed by 10%
Reduced Plasma Turret damage by 30%
Reduced Rocket Turret damage by 15%
Reduced Artillery Turret rocket travel speed by 50%
Base Artillery Turrets have not only the highest damage output in the game but would also remove a lot of the approaching enemy’ shield. To make them still a threat but punish bad movement pilots the rockets fly much slower now
NPC / Alien
Reworked Xeno Block stats and crafting template
They are a very good alternative to Carbon Blocks. Cheaper to make, similar stats. -
Aligned some NPC hitpoints to Vanilla values
As always I discovered that some values can be changed but some values are hardcoded from Eleon. And certain hitpoints just can’t exceed a specific amount of number. Otherwise the game do bunch of weird things. So I observed and tried to adjust many values to Vanilla to not cause any issues on HWS anymore. I try to increase the difficulty in other ways -
Reworked Alien Turrets in combination with EWS
Until now the Alien Turrets were kind of random regarding EWS / Damage multiplier etc. To make it easier how to deal with them, I aligned them to the Player Base Turrets. A Laser Alien Turret has the same EWS data like the Player Pulse Turret for example.
Some Alien Turrets could cause some serious damage now.
Since Aliens do not have a real projectile turret, every turret does effective damage against Carbon Blocks! Watch out! -
Alien Laser Turret damage against Shields is 5 times more effective
Increased Green Alien Turret (IonCannon) damage by 10%
Increased Alien Laser Turret damage by 50%
Increased Rocket Turret travel speed by 150%
Increased Alien Laser Turret Ammo Capacity from 60 to 100
Reduced Rocket Turret damage by 50%
Reduced Artillery Turret damage by 50%