Dear HWS Community,
I think by now everyone is somehow affected by the current Corona Virus situation in one or the other way. Most of you probably in a negative or limiting way. For those, who got sick because of it, I hope will fight it, to become immune against it and come out of it stronger than before!
For now we have to stay at home and just make the best out of it, right?
Luckily, as Gamer or digital Content producer it’s not that bad and I saw a lot of new players coming. Welcome to all of you!
That is the reason @Ju worked hard on a big HWS Easter Event, which should bring you all together at least virtually
HWS Easter Event 2020
Since it’s a space game and we like the Marvel Phase 1-3 movies, we got a bit inspired by a special Character: Yondu as you might recognized. We call him the “Yondu Easter Bunny”.
During his journey through the HWS Universe he of course lost (or sold?) 8 of his Eggs out of his basket and need You, Guardians of the Eggs, to find them, so he can collect them again.
The Eggs however have a lot of treasures for you prepared. Not only loot rewards but also Wisdom rewards, especially for our new players.
You will probably recognize the touch @Ju did here
Bonus: For the first time she thought about making her “job” more transparent and share what she loves to do with you. So if you are interested in what and how Ju is building our HWS POIs, please give her a visit and a Thumbs Up
Hint: There are more videos on her channel already and you can get a Teaser for HWS 12 already
Event Details
Well, the Event is easy as I explained but the most important detail is the time I guess.
The whole Saturday and Sunday (11th-12th April) you can use the Event Teleporter in the EGS HQ on ECC to enter the Easter Event Planet.
Make sure your baskets are empty and you can transport all the Goodies out to your OCD
HWS Support Discount
Since I forgot to do it on our 1st March Anniversary Event, I use this opportunity to also offer the whole weekend a 20% Discount on everything on our Support Us page.
Bonus: You will be able to buy the 7 Permanent Packages only during this Weekend Period. (Keep 100m Credits, etc.)
That will be the last big contribution to the HWS 11 Season, which I have to say, is one of the most popular one! Throughout the last 3 months I got a lot of positive Feedback, which really motivated me! Nevertheless a lot of Feedback overall was given (special thanks to the feedback channel in Discord), so I am super excited for HWS 12, where not only your Feedback is considered but also a very new, very special way of playing HWS is coming. It will be big I can tell
I also thought very long about doing a 4th HWS Survey. But considering you don’t know exactly what is coming and I am already burned out with all the HWS 12 work, it would probably kill me.
So please, make use of the feedback channel in Discord and/or the HWS General Discussion Category here in the Forum.
Thank you so much for your attention, for your continues support, for you just playing on HWS! It really means a lot to me and motivates me to make your stay even better - especially in such a difficult time we are in right now.
Stay Safe and Healthy out there!
Your HWS Team