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For myself and my son we dislike PvP in CVs over class 2 or 3 and have not found much SV PvP so we play other games for PvP. Has nothing to do with resources. Actually OAMs and OCD are what kept us PvPing when there were fun fights.

I believe the counter point is that OCD took just as much effort and time to fill and to some represents the same thing. I am not agreeing with either as I have my own grandiose ideas for really fun PvP…

Why aren’t you playing in that server then?.. Does it even exist anymore?.. hahahahahaha

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@Paxxo1985 that is clear to me that you want it that all the traders in the PVP area are … so that you can camp even more and show that you have no skill!

The admins should come up with something so that people like you don’t squat in front of the trader to intercept the people… Because that’s all you can do and nothing more!!!

That wipe of OCD is really a joke from most part and a bit of trolling. Its definetly not the biggest issue. But theres a bit of valid point in it, and thats fact that theres no end and start of seasson because of it. It literally takes 3 hours to have all back. It was a lot of fun when whole server was poor. We were much more equal if nothing else and looting had some meaning, also there was something to loot. But as far as I remeber PvP was always empty, because of how broken it is.

There are much bigger problems like same speed of vessels, warping instantly, performance is probably one of biggest problems, bases never worked much and arent working currently as rails outranges BAs, etc. Oh I forgot PvP toxicity, thats quite anoying. Lagshots. On foot combat thats like 0,5euro game from some student. Its one big mess. And for me handbuilding of bases, thats complete disaster, more tedious than mining.

Its up to everyone opinion, for me getting “set” is half of game as theres basicly not much else to do. Im staying on starter to lvl 25 as for me its only part when something is going on, “pew pew” can be nice but its a bit “meh” in Empyrion. But for example @Wiseman738 hates starting :slight_smile: If I want to fly and fight ill go to War Thunder on middle or realistic difficulity or Elite. But I miss building my own stuff there, planetary invasions and such.

Empyrion does it all but all about 3/10. Sadly theres no other game which does it all, all ppl I know time to time go and search and return back with damn, they have to release Dual Universe.

At least we have retractable landing gear lol and motorbike seems to work better. I think opinion on this all depends a lot on for how long players are with Empyrion. For me it was much better game in past and its going south with each update. It was different game. But thats just me, at least all old bugs are still with us…lol yep im pretty salty.

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Yeah personally i feel the devs are taking the easy route by grinding out the beginning of the game, collecting individual ‘rocks’ instead of being more ambitious and adding more late-game content (shields, plasma beams, actual physics.) :slight_smile:

If you read all the conversation there was already the reply to your question, but since you are lazy i explain again.
I was playing on OFFICIAL ELEON EU SERVER (ReXxXus is an admin also there)
Is still active and not dead.
At start of alpha 8 was 35/35 for three weeks, since i want to play empyrion searched a new server and came here to annoy you.
I came here because i read about HWS best pvp server and saw a lot of video about RED fighting.
Experience between a 35 players server and 180 players is totally different.
This server is actively supported every minute of the day, there the requests are processed in 2/3 weeks.
(there normally we spawned our emergency stuff to warp incase of warp bug instead of opening a ticket)
Is not wiped by something like 6 months and have all 5 class planets, thats why you cannot pvp anymore.
What makes HWS great is this:

Thanks @RexXxuS , thanks @Jascha and thanks to all the police and helpers.

End of transmission


I agree with you here Paxxo. HWS is amazing! And yes lots of brilliant fights have been with RED in the past. It was very fun to have another enemy in OPG, especially in the opening weeks where OPG was quickly learning how to PVP against the big factions. Your faction were very fast learners and they always kept trying and coming back despite taking heavy losses at the beginning. Very resillient!

Best regards
Wise :slight_smile:

Just had some thoguht which is maybe off topic. What would make sence to me:

1st base starter I own is cheap, i need some home.
2nd base starter is exponentialy more expensive, I have to choose carefully where ill put it, probably near PvE where I can have ammo etc. in case i need to resupply. I dont need OCD or not 70k slots as its safe in PvE.
3rd base is even much much more expensive, ill put it somewhere in battle zone. But its a BASE not a defensless shack. And taking such base is huge effort, and if someones attacking it and do dmg to it it pains me, but they wont capture it easily.
Do you want to spawn attack base? It will be your 4th base starter, prepare milion of resources for that. Just for starter block.

Basicly if someone will keep attacking me for long time, days, Ill eventually get exhausted resource wise and they will get my base. Now its look core on Cebo, go there, snipe turrets. Or its just one base, lets zerg it. All done in 5 minutes. Why to build something like that in PvP. With hand.
You wont put loot in nowdays bases, it would be crazy idea, you could hand your stuff to enemy as well.
Venus Steel Pyramid, 400 turrets on base itself, another more than 200 around on huge defensive wall. Full of resources as it wasn easy to destroy it.

Another problem fa:scan. If theres fa:scan there should be fa:jamscan. Someone goes to PvP thinking oh let me build a base, i have to try, in moment hes landing on planet theres already 5 ppl heading his dirrection yelling fanaticly theres a core, theres a core…


hehe… made my day =D

ohh… theres a beer

PVP traders PVP ZONEs

Is really that difficult to accept it bro?

You have an amazing skill camping them in pve zone bro! Please teach me master.

There is no need to write so much meaningless stuff to something that has such a simple answer. The point is you left that supposed great pure pvp server for HWS which is not a pure pvp server but is about half pve and half pvp. Also, the server you mentioned might be dead or barely active unless i’m mistaken. And this grand server you mention is not even in the top 25th in server rankings, here: https://empyrion-servers.com/.

peace out!

I think that you need to read basic marketing maybe. Who needs to vote official server everyday if you have nothing in return?

Simple take a screen of this great grand pure pvp server and posted here so we all know the truth? Or do you just want to keep trolling with your nonsense?

Is english your native language or not?
Because i have already explained above.
I wont reply to you the third time on the same question.
Breath, relax man.

I’ll get to the point of your contradiction. You say you want to wipe OCD’s and put as one of your reasons that when you were in a pure pvp server that had no OĈD you had pvp all the time, yet, you left that server for hws which is not a pure pvp server and has OCD, but the pure pvp server you mention that has no ÕCD is either dead or barely active. So you see what i mean? xD Do you understand the contradiction in your argument? :smiley:

Beware every post you look more and more stupid.
Every anwers to your questions are here

a screenshot of server now so maybe images help your slow processing unit

The screen proved my point, thanks for that. You see how that server is either dead or barely active? And the max it can top is 35. You would think that from all the boasting you have done for this great pure pvp server that it would have grown by now bigger then hws but it hasn’t.

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Yes you definetly need help.

oh sorry i misunderstood something i agree with you … PVE to PVE and PVP to PVP.

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