Fellow NA players,

Due to data loss as a result of the old server provider’s lack of proper support Auto Miner, Playtime and Donations data for each player was not available for restore on the new NA server. Rexxus has asked for my help in compiling data for manual restoration and we ask that you are each as honest as possible about your estimates. Once the HWS team has this information efforts will be made to compensate each player with the appropriate AM levels, ore amounts, fuel, playtime and donation packages. Thank you all for your patience, understanding and assistance in getting this information compiled quickly.

To submit your information please fill out the spreadsheet at the following link, using my entry as an example:

docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … sp=sharing

As of last check AM had the following
Fuel: 26
Iron Lv3, stored 660
Cob lv1, stored 40(ish)
Pro lv1, stored 40(ish)
Gold lv1, Stored 20(ish)

I dont remeber the exacts of the level 1 miners but i was watching my Iron intently.

All AM minus gold: lvl 1
30~40hr playtime
100k eb credits as well

name Kibri - Cannon Fodder faction
Last check Autominer
Fuel =0
Iron and Cobalt level 2
all other ores level 1
Gold = level 0 (never started it before crash)
had approx 2500 of level 1 ores
believe 3500+ in level 2 ores

are EB credits coming back? I was a just a little above 500k credits, now i’m at 0.

Rex, I have no idea exactly what I had. I know I’ve been playing for last ~3 weeks or so. So to be completely honest, you guys please just give me what would be fair. :slight_smile:


Thanks guys - with all that collected data we will give them soon back once

Is the restore still going to happen? I have been holding off upgrading any autominer for the time being. Also, will my 500k credits be restored?

sure - sorry I had an accident yesterday. Will come online today to manage this

accident? hope all is well

Sorry to hear about your accident, hope everything is ok Rex.

Dang, sorry to hear that Rex. Best wishes mate!

Yo, sorry to worry you. It is all good again :slight_smile:

Hope you are OK!

I added my line to the sheet.

How is the implementation going to be affected now that most of us have since upgraded our autominers(probably higher) than the previous amounts?

:frowning: yeah I feel sorry for the delay.
I will check differences and compensations here and there.

Kibri refund done
Sweeney refund done
lyulf refund done
oddtheviking refund done
Shadinaxx refund done
Epox refund done
Jiroh refund done
Jemmer17 refund done
Playakoz refund done
Drako5151 refund done
TheRaven refund done
Perdition363 refund done
asphixiate refund done

I adjusted values as good as I can.
Have fun