HWS Patch - RP and Tax

Thanks Rex, I do, its more to give you feedback :slight_smile:

Understanding and giving others examples allows us all to say, its working correct, downsize if your tax bill is to high, makes it good for all.

Your total tax you have to pay per day is: 58370.8 credits! oopps sorry caps again keep forgetting to turn it off
Not To Self use shift instead of caps lock!

This sounds good Andrea :slight_smile:

The Tax is active again in 10 hours!

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Another feedback for you RexXxus,

I am in no way complaining about the tax I pay, but it still looks to be wrong.

From the tax screen on HWS Connect; (copy & paste)

Faction RP Bank credits Structure Name Structure ID Devices Tax to pay
M8T 141 xxxxx xxxxx Mates Base (M8T) 272399 175 1599
M8T 141 xxxxx xxxxx Bennies A Wing 5288296 73 1599

My calculating;

Base - 175 devices * 1000 = 175000/141rp = 1241cr
SV - 73 devices * 1000 = 73000/141rp = 518cr = 1000cr

Not sure why the discrepancy. I have three others in the faction, but they have not been on this server for days so I am not factoring them in as it would only make it lower anyway and I suspect I am paying the lot for them.


Dont forget minimum per structure is 1k. Also you have 2 structure so you would pay and additional 30% per structure.

This is because we have too many people still using the faction for their ships. Thatā€™s why I asked Gareth to fix it but he instead gave me a bunch of credits to pay the tax (all good with me I donā€™t complain :slight_smile: ). We should have only 2-3 (main base + ~2 shuttles) + your private stuff to pay for. Right now we have like a dozen structuresā€¦ Ouchā€¦

The fix for us is to set those small SVā€™s to private. Right now we pay for some fighter north of our base with almost 500 devices for no reason and 2 buildings south of our base also set to faction. I donā€™t have the power to force them to public without grinding them down to replace the coreā€¦ If I had that power (how do I get it?) I could fix those taxes in 10 minutes.

We need a calculation table, in order to calculate the tax, before the expiration date, it can be an excell worksheet, that is available on the website or that we can download and put in it the data of the ships and the bases.

I would also like to know if the admin of the faction has like to see the general Rp of all members of the faction. Since this information is of paramount importance in calculating the tax.