HWS Police - General Discussion

6. Examples & Tips HWS Rules

Here are a few of the more common instances of rule-breaking, ignoring in-game warnings, or just good practices to employ to be safe ‘just in case’: Your Structures are seized by the “HWS” faction or gone for “no” reason!? The reason for that are on the previous pages explained but you have basically two options: Create a Get Help ticket if you are unsure why and what You are in front of “your” ships but it says HWS? Type egs:buyshipback:ID The cost for that are: (Blocks * Devices)…

Read the bottom of that page. RexXxus will tell you cause he’s responded to this several times that bringing a CV in to soak is not illegal. They spent time gathering those resources to turn into that ship which is then being lost to tank.

Ammo draining like the thread above states is soaking damage that isn’t costing the soaker anything. Like respawning over and over again in the same location.

You are partially correct as yes when invading a base, if you are just respawning losing nothing while the base is drained of ammo, it is wrong. However, using an oversized cv to soak damage is not okay just because resources were gathered and are now being lost on both sides. This has been an issue where there are two things in place to prevent. the timer was put in place so cv’s could come in with armor enough to defend themselves in transit to load/unload hv’s and sv’s. 12 minutes was deemed enough time to enter atmosphere, get to base, do what needs to be done, and leave, thats it. Then it had been requested to allow cv’s to be allowed to stay so long as they are below a block limit, and it was deemed 100 blocks(now 150, im not sure) was enough to do the same as before, but even without a timer it could do no significant sponging. in this case, someone is bringing in a cv that is well over the limit, and using every second they can to absorb everything, and from the size of it in the image, they are losing no significant amount of their ship. it is blatently abusing the limits given to us.

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