HWS Police - Report a crime

Server : NA

Type of Offence Committed: Lag Engineering, Intentionally overlimit ship

Time/Date of offence: Probably around 6AM server time 1 Feb

Player/Faction accused : xXx/Rezzy Beans (Maybe double check the owner as it was quite laggy)

Player Faction reporting: TAW/imtimex

What happened? A CV was brought in to enclose one of the bases we dropped, interesting tactic, however, the ship appears to be engineered specifically to create lag, and was overclassed for the system, this ship was definitley way above the 150 block CV limit. This ship caused jittering type lag in the playfield, soft lockups of ~15 seconds, and even some players to disconnect from the game completely.

Ship ID is 15616187 ‘This is only a test’

Why did it happen? I don’t know, but PvP is a chore if I have to post one or more of these for every fight.

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrVHLzxKEFw&feature=youtu.be

The outcome: Investing again a lot of time for that, I restored it from the backup and checked and couldn’t see excessive lag engineering. Just common PvP tactics regarding damage absorption (check the new PvP Guide here to learn about it: SV Design)

The idea beside of sponging with a Class 5 ship (which is legit because Jascha can’t code his tool in a better way to kick such ships faster out), was to cover the turret base.
Again I assume the big lag in the video was caused by all the Colliders which needed to be updated and it was a massive battle of course.
Overall that is the limit of Empyrion PvP. I don’t see negative intentions were done here, because it would effect everyone on that playfield (if logs are right, Rezzy disconnected himself often). Since everyone can do stuff like this it’s not something we can police of.
I hope Alpha 10 gives us better colliders…

If this happens too often and for too many players, I will maybe bring back the restriction to now let CVs on planets again :frowning:
Maybe a Supergate from one PvP planet to another to bring in HVs!? :thinking: