HWS Police - Report a crime

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Wall hacking

Time/Date of offence: Eastern time 6:50pm 7/17/2018

Player/Faction accused: Ave/ Reaper

Player Faction reporting: ACP/ ZipSnipe

What happened? I attacked the Ave base on GG, I made it inside the base when I was blocked in by blocks. Ave faction member Reaper was able to shoot through the blocks and kill me, he was also able to walk through the blocks and I could not.

Why did it happen? Other than I used an over the block limit cv to gain entry, I only was trying to blast my way in which is the way I thought we are supposed to play. They(Ave) are using some type of interlocking different bases trick with doors mixed into the blocks

Evidence: https://youtu.be/-YcUHfNoQA8

The outcome: The missing part in the video was your CV. Because this is the variable which caused this Crime ticket. Nothing is clipped there from the base point of view.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: HWS Police - General Discussion

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Tackling

Time/Date of offence: July 17th, 2:23 server time

Player/Faction accused: PKA/Jaydog

Player Faction reporting: ACP/ Ranzeth

I was shooting an enemy base with my SV (wasn’t moving) and a PKA member flew straight into me. He was fully inside of me, took about 30 to untangle, in the meantime I was taking base fire and could not move.


The outcome: Waiting for the video of Big Red / Jaydog. At 1:43 in the video you can however clearly see that it was either intentional from both parties (Ranz pressed S on the keyboard) or accident (logical).

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Tackling by op4 RED
Player(s) with issue: TheRaven
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 18-JULY 02:50
Playfield: GG
Structure Name(s): NA
Structure ID(s): NA
Outcome: Waiting for Big Reds video. It doesn’t look like by intention and it didn’t break a rule here either because your job to soak all turret damage was settled, with a SV inside your SpongeBob or without. If you would be in the process of leaving and he rammed you, it would be something different.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: HWS Police - General Discussion



I have no time to play the clean-up girl anymore. If you discuss here, it will be removed. Simple.


Server : NA
Time/Date of offence: 1600 7/19/2018
Faction accused : ABN Solid Snake
Type of Offence Committed: HWS is a family friendly server. Do not post swearing or other bad words in global chat - keep it clean!

Outcome: took care of.

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Warp Camping

Time/Date of offence: 7/22/2018 23:46

Player/Faction accused: OP4

Player Faction reporting: ABN - Kittiez

What happened? Warped from Black Hole to Homeworld, was immediately attacked upon warp in. It is possible that we warped at the same time, however I do not have any way to know this as a player. Please investigate to see if this is a case of warp camping, or just coincidence. Thanks!

Why did it happen? Because Empyrion.

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-goHCzFTfU&feature=youtu.be

The outcome: Back from Vacation. This was not a warp camp regarding our logs. It’s within the 3 minute mark and was just "luck"

Server: EU

Type of Offence Committed: private OP BA

Time/Date of offence: 31.07.2018


Homeworld Sector (10000 0 0)

Outcome: Removed the second time + 50% RP loss + 6m credit loss because repeated rule break

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: ram

Time/Date of offence: 8:50

Player/Faction accused: ABN

Player Faction reporting: CHAR

What happened? Multiple use of a ram with SV to stop my ship

Why did it happen? After the first battering ram I tried to get out of the fight, but SV was catching up and crashing into the bottom of the ship, which caused 3 crash games

Evidence: (Screens/Video/logs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kmM0vn1mW8&feature=youtu.be

The outcome: No details given. First warning for wasting time.


Server: NA

Type of Offense Committed: Illegal type SV alarm ship

Time/Date of offense: 0850

Player/Faction accused: Unknown

Player Faction reporting: (TCB) Tripwire

Play field: Jupidor Orbit

Coordinates: 12541/57/1695

Ship Name: PreFab

What happened? Warped into Jupidor and seen the SV on radar. When I went to investigate I seen the spread out pattern of the SV it looks like it was intentionally designed to snare incoming ships. It has no faction tag on it.

Evidence: (Screens/Video/logs) https://youtu.be/OnrFQzBIJSM (screen shots did not do it justice but the video is the best I could do.)
Solution requested: delete these ships along with the others Ive been told about in Titan Orbit as well and the offending person warned for the infraction.

Outcome: Lost 16 million credits, ~300 RP and set guilty. First (creative) occurrence but nevertheless against our rules about Building stuff not attached to each other.


A post was merged into an existing topic: HWS Police - General Discussion

Server: NA

Type of Offense Committed: Attempted Ramming by BYA Faction Member

Time/Date of offense: 0000 approximate server time

Player/Faction accused: BYA

Player Faction reporting: (TCB) Tripwire

What happened? While we were attacking the Rebel bases on GG a BYA SV attempted to ram and lock down a TAW HV. This person attempted this several times during this video to ram and lock the TAW HV.

Why did it happen? Gross disregard to the server rules as best as I can tell and they most likely didn’t expect us to be videoing it.

Evidence: https://youtu.be/LnI9S1a1Vc8

Action to be taken: This member should be held accountable for their gross actions and disregard for server rules. This is not the first nor the last time they will attempt this kind of action until someone gets severally punished.

Note: if the video does not play let me know and I will attempt to re-upload again.

Outcome: While a SV should not belong to the ground in such scenarios I don’t see a “gross” tackling / rule violation here. Most of the times the pilots got in their own way by each other. I’m waiting for BYA response to this but leave it as a warning.
To save your and my time please make sure to read the (updated) rule about tackling again:

A post was merged into an existing topic: HWS Police - General Discussion

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: ( tries to fall through the textures to base )

Time/Date of offence: (22 august - 23 august)

Player/Faction accused : (Sephron, Goblin, DaveO )

Player Faction reporting: (RED)

What happened? (The player tries to infiltrate our base illegally . They tries to fall through the textures for several hours. During the day the number of deaths increased from about 100 to more than 600. For the attack, a large number of ships (exceeding the limits) were used, as well as a large vessel exceeding the limits by the number of blocks)

Why did it happen? (They tries to fall through the textures )

Outcome: Our rules about ammo draining are clear and not tolerated.

All three players lost on this first occurence 50% of the RP and Credits + guilty. Next time more.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: HWS Police - General Discussion

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: (Turrets clip through the ground)

Time/Date of offence: (22 august - 23 august)

Player/Faction accused : (All of OPG base)

Player Faction reporting: (GCGN)

OPG base turrets clip through the ground, this is from today’s course of events on GG. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8aimlf1736w5tdr/turrets_under_ground.mp4?dl=0, the time stamp was supplied by RED as they reported the AS guys, but you can see the turret can clip through the ground.

Here is a before picture of the very same turret https://www.dropbox.com/s/w51qegqa67f8a3h/OPG.png?dl=0, you can clearly see it clips through.

  1. Illegal Building / Spawning

You are not allowed to clip anything inside bases. For example blocks within blocks.

Possible Punishment: Removal of Structure(s) / Guilty / Ban / Loss of Game Progress
Example: Turrets
Turrets are not allowed to clip into blocks. You are allowed to use “decoy” guns/turrets but they have to be fully covered in your structure.

Outcome: This is not so easy to judge. In its original state the Minigun Turret worked as decoy which is totally legit and allowed since it is fully covered by blocks and do not shoot through blocks because it can’t “see” the target. It just works as target decoy as I said.

With your hole you have shot in the video (0:08) this turret got revealed and clipped then obviously.
No intention of clipping was made here and a punishment would only be applied if this turret did any actual serious damage. That is the whole point of clipping > they do damage but you have to break the armor around them first.

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: (Exploits - Griefing)

Time/Date of offence: (22 august - 23 august)

Player/Faction accused : (Black Metal, Krep Wals)

Player Faction reporting: (GCGN)

Here is the first report with Red trapping people in boxes and glitching their guns into the the box to kill Goblin [10:37], [11:45], [12:08] https://www.dropbox.com/s/zojtu0dzq4ipkhp/2018-08-22%2009-09-21.flv?dl=0, this is in breach of rules

  1. Exploits
    Under no circumstances will the use of any bugs or exploits for personal gain or profit, or any advantage be tolerated for any reason.
    If you provide evidence (Screenshot, Video, etc.) of someone using an exploit, you may be rewarded.
    Possible Punishment: Temp Ban / Perma Ban / Loss of game progress

  2. Griefing
    Don’t grief! Griefing is considered anything which creates a harassment experience for any player. Trapping in buildings, kill stealing, chat harassment, stealing trade drops, offensive buildings, burying vessels and/or players, etc.

This is the start of the reports, if Red wish to play the report game we will also supply the evidence of Red breaking many rules, fair play is fair play. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Outcome: While prison someone in PvP is totally legit because he/she does not belong there at all and have fresh start options, this is ignored. (I made it more clear in the rules).
But shooting someone through blocks — I don’t know how — is not allowed, even if invading like that was a suicide trip anyways.
BLACK_METALL lost 50% of credits + RP + guilty (I expect to report to me how shooting through blocks work. Next time a ban is the consequence)

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: (Artillery Turret clip through blocks)

Time/Date of offence: (17-08-2018)

Player/Faction accused : (RED - TANKS)

Player Faction reporting: (GCGN)

You can see it in the video at time stamp 10:20, 11:02
that their Artillery Turret clips through their tank to shoot at us.


  1. Illegal Building / Spawning

You are not allowed to clip anything inside bases. For example blocks within blocks.

Possible Punishment: Removal of Structure(s) / Guilty / Ban / Loss of Game Progress

Example: Turrets

Turrets are not allowed to clip into blocks. You are allowed to use “decoy” guns/turrets but they have to be fully covered in your structure.

Outcome: Well, glad it’s history in Alpha 8.5 in 5 days but in certain angles this was clipping and the clipping rule is still active. All 5 HV Tanks built that way got removed from GG. The blueprint creator lost all of his RP and Credits.

Server : (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: (Using Filler)

Time/Date of offence: (21-08-2018)

Player/Faction accused : (RED)

Player Faction reporting: (GCGN)

The faction has been using filler nonstop in and around the RED base and OPG have done the same.

  1. Illegal Building / Spawning

You are not allowed to clip anything inside bases. For example blocks within blocks.

You are not allowed to use the Filler Tool for any way of building structures. For example for covering your base with it in PvP or griefing in PvE.

All building components, including turrets, must be permanently mounted to a permanent part of the structure, however

Outcome: This was already resolved yesterday. Filling the base gaps with some filler is fine. But not the first picture. As written yesterday, the whole RED faction lost 50 RP and some filler got guilty - first occurrence.