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Hello @Mrgreen
you can get your packages as soon as you got a bit of RP.
See here for reference:
Hey @Papotar
you can get your package with the do:rp:xl command.
(it was visible on the donation page on the right)
(your probably missed that they cost you some RP )
With a lot of ways.
Get started here:
The Elemental Galactic Services (EGS) Corporation experimented long time ago on a method to boost their Clones with specific experience points. That way the Clones were able to get stronger and smarter over time.
To be able to inject such boosted DNA into the Clone’s body, a special gun had to be designed.
Once equipped, after short time, the DNA is automatically injected and the Clone gets better and better.
Origin Specific HWS DNA & Guns
How it works
As so…
and if you come along Alien Containers check here:
Normally by just playing
June 20, 2018, 8:14pm
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