I Deleted The wrong cv in nova and all the ship in it

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I was raiding A PVP base and stuff and
we put in to the carrier it had a lot of gold and stuff and we cored the over cv and I deleted
The wrong cv by accused And it was Notop
And we had like 6 sv in there 2 garage ships


**Player(s) with issue:**Chief Recktless / Notop


**Time (cb:time):**7 may 21:35


at those co ord

**Structure Name(s):**The MacArthur - SVs: 2 Macro-Blades, 1 nu blade, 2 archis
=> all had ammo, pentx, fuel, mac arthur was full of loot

Structure ID(s): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/700993731507126303/708055670968287243/unknown.png?width=844&height=475

**How can we help you now:**Could You Restore the CV and all the loot and it sv that where inside it.

Restored them in ECC around 6k,6k,6k to 6.5k,6.5k,6.5k
Juut make sure to give us more proper names please if you dont have the ID’s.
Harder to find them otherwise.

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Thanks Jashca Will will make sure thay are right if their is a next time hopefully not lol

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Thank you so much, Jascha! You can’t imagine how freaked out all of us were by this accident. Really happy with the service here on HWS! :slight_smile:

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