So here i am standing directly next to the RHEA which i wanted SOOOOOOOO Badly… And i check price, its matching what the HWS connect said… Im so excited… i say TS:BUY - It says 2M, im so excited… i say CB:Yes, and im so excited…
I try to get in my new RHEA and its not mine… it BOUGHT THE OSPREY 200M away instead!!! (ok more like 40 M but seemed so far)
I should have checked and confirmed, but i was an idiot… Can i trade this for a RHEA please??? Im so bummed i missed out on the weekend fun because of my lack of eyesight and excited idiocy…
So close - after i saw your i immediately went for it…
Oddly, there were 5 ships closeer to me than that damned osprey and i ended up with the ship i most didnt want…
I will admit - it s all my fault, the CHAT DID say, in retrospect, it was giving me an Osprey… i just didnt see the words OSPREY in my excitedness, and i pretty much had my junk in Rhea’s tailpipe, so never thought it would give me that thing…
Soon Rhea… Soon… We will be together…
PS : in hopes we can do a trade in, i left it right where it was sold to me… 0 miles on the reg, full tank. Not a scratch.
possibly lagged out when you entred the command and registered your fave ship (osprey) as being closest. it is dam exciting buying one and most things dont register lol
In german there is a bit ironical sentence:
“Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil”
@RexXxuS: You really want to send 2000000 Credits from your Bank-Account to Hopskotch
Please type “CB:Yes” if ready, “CB:NO” to cancel.
cb:yes @RexXxuS: Money transfered