I do not see my credits in EB (PayIn - paid -300000 credits into bank (300000)

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: i payIn credits in EB, but my bank credits = 0
Player(s) with issue: masterpetrovich
Server: HWS EU
Time (cb:time): 16:28 (25feb)
Playfield: ECC Planet EB
Structure Name(s): EB
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Where is mycredits? (25 16:28 PayIn paid -300000 credits into bank (300000).)


because you parked in ECC / ECC Space, ignoring the warnings, your structures got taxed

So you were in debt. Today you tried to pay your debts away and are almost clean again.

Good Luck

OK? now i am understand((
But my english is not so good, and i read that massage as “If i stay my structure all 24hours in this ECC”. And now i understand that it mean this 24hour period checking at 9AM. And sorry for my english:)

No problem. Best to check your HWS Connect Tax list from time to time. There you see what is going on:

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