I made a beginner's mistake, I would need help,please!

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> I lost CV HWS(lidan) and all the materials collected since I entered the new server

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> lidanritz1(steam name),Lidan(in game)

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> Server RE EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 26 September,approximate time 02 A.M.

On which Playfield?
=> System Artho Gamma.in Taure Moon Sector(about 8 km distance from Polaris Gas Station,to a neodymium asteroid).

Structure Name(s)?
=> CV name Lidan,and all materials

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> Structure ID 160183

How can we help you now?
=> My request is, can you restore all my materials and ships(CV ID 160183,and SV ID 2165411)back to Akua or in Taure Moon Sector at Polaris Gas Station?(me and SV Beetle_miner are here)
In this game, I kept starting from the beginning dozens or hundreds of times, due to version changes.
I have about 5000 hours in Empyrion, and on this server almost since its beginning and yet I made a beginner’s mistake, after a year’s break in this game
Thank you for this server,thank you for help!

Good afternoon,
I see that you missed out the part of it when you got yourself destroyed by a Zirax vessel; did the game lag?, did you disconnect ?

I don’t see how can we help as this is a normal mechanic in the game and not a server issue.

@Dr.Dark your call…

Good afternoon,
I forgot to specify, in the game, all the time yesterday, I encountered the problem with server disconnect. While mining a neodymium asteroid, it was the same problem. When I reconnected, my ship CV,with my stuff was already completely destroyed by Zirax.I was inside the asteroid, with the SV ship, and the big ship (CV) was outside. Error mine was that I didn’t have the necessary patience to collect enough materials and make a good ship, but I was afraid that Akua would be wiped. But it’s just a prayer, I took it too many times from the beginning. Thank you, Dr. Dark!

Hey, @lidan.

As Gareth said, this is not normally something we can help with. Especially since our logs are somewhat limited for these scenarios.

But in your case, I can see that you’re relatively new on the server, and you left the ship right after being destroyed. Leaving your ship was a good choice; that means I can probably help.

I’ll go ingame and see what I can do.

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@lidan, I restored your ship now by -16092, 2875 on Akua.

There is a chance I might have duplicated some stuff when doing this, since the backup is from 00:00 ish.
If I did duplicate anything, you must delete it. You’re not allowed to keep it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Dark and Gareth, but please, help me get to Akua too, because I’m in Taurus Moon Sector with SV ID 2165411, and which doesn’t have the possibility of warp

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I would suggest that you try to ask for a ride in the ingame chat. Transporting your player is more of a community task, than an admin one :slightly_smiling_face:

If it fails and no one will help, let me know.

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