I need help getting to my ship

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I landed on the space garage over ECC and teleported to the ground. I can’t teleport back up. Teleporters may be broken.
Player(s) with issue: |EoG|Druid
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): Wednesday 13 June 2018 22:27
Playfield: ECC
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Just need to get to my ship. cb: command not working.

The teleporters are broken, they try to send you to a non-existant playfield. It’s already on Rexxxus list.

I fixed it yesterday late

Is there any way I can get my credits back from the tax? That’s the only reason I was there at 0900.

Alright, done

Thank you! By the way, I used the teleporter. Pu tme in the wrong location about 3km away. Now I’m about to die in space. I’m about 1.40 km away with heat collapse. I’m jetpacking to the space garage.

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