I need help please 6-24-2019

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
Last night with the warp out of planet issue I lost my CV called lifeboat “4326669” I turned off power and it fell to the ground and was blown up by NPCs. Last week I also lost a backpack which glitched through floor of elevtator shaft with a Epic pistol and a AM core
What happened:

Player(s) with issue:
=> |Name|Faction|Origin|Reputation Points|Deaths|Playtime (H)|Last cb:reset|Playfield|O/W Coordinate|Height|N/S Coordinate|
| — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
|s2kJoel|s2k|Freelancer|3|46|117|19-06-18 01:33|Sanctuary|-6 275|63|1 309|


Time (cb:time):
=> 7-11 pm CST


Structure Name(s):
=> lifeboat

Structure ID(s):
=> “4326669”

How can we help you now:
=> wanted to see if you can get me the CV back or the materials. Also Lost a epic pistol to the elevator glitch and a 2 AM cores. Thank you!


I restored your ship close to you.
About the backpack: 1 week is to long. We have no logs anymore :frowning: , sorry

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