I need help please Auto Miner

I added fuel to my AM’s and it only last for a couple hours, definantly not even a half a day. How does fuel work?

You need better fuel cells to make them last longer. Use Fusion Cells to achieve the maximum duration.

Thank you for the reply, sorry, I meant the Orbital Auto Miner, it takes Auto Miner Cores. I thought those lasted for 3 days.

They do. Each OAM consumes one autominer every three days. The fuel shown are the cores that are not yet used. Once a AM core is used up it disappears from the amount in fuel and the OAM runs for another three days. That means it may still have fuel even if it shows zero reserve fuel.

Nice, yes they are still working, dah it took the 1 and started using it, just like autominers. That makes sense now thank you!

Is there a way to tell when they would need more fuel?

A long term requested feature for @Jascha

It’s awesome that you can plan to create new features.

HWS is the real Experimental branch :wink:

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Done with next Tool update.
Thanks for the Idea


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