I need help please: base griefer

So just to add to this 50_Fuego exploited to build his base that allows him to monopolize the drone base spawn/loot. His base is build w/in the confines of the of the drone base that a player is not normally capable of building

From: 1. Bugs & Exploits

Definition: A Bug or Exploit, for the purposes of HWS Law, is defined as “Any mechanic, whether executed in or out of game, which creates a condition that was not an intended functionality of the game OR HWS Server features.”

Under no circumstances will the use of any bugs or exploits for personal gain or profit, or any advantage be tolerated for any reason

In advance sorry for the debug. The red section of structure here is part of the drone base that is remaining after harvesting the blocks for a while. The green portion is 50_Fuego’s base. It is built so when the drone base re spawns he can walk in take out the generators and loot everything with almost no threat what so ever, and in the event he dies he can spawn back in the safety of his base underground.

Edit: if you would like me to make a separate post about this let me know.