I need help please - Base question

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: 2 OLP bases went poof, either destroyed or manually deleted
Player(s) with issue: Me (Ryan)
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): Last 3hrs or so
Playfield: Golden Globe
Structure Name(s): ??? and ???
Structure ID(s): N/A structures don’t exist
How can we help you now: Just curious if they got deleted or destroyed, Proximity log hasn’t been working for a while, it shows no activity. Base should of taken quite a while to dig out and find the cores.

Hmm… you don’t remember the names and it’s not listed in the structure commander if you turn of in your Hotview “Show deleted structures”?

They were literally called ??? lol. Both of them.

oops, I see.

Ok, both got captured by enemies. Today at ~8:17+ pm.
It’s also visible in your Proximity Log, or as soon as it’s updates.

So they captured them in 1minute? I logged off at 8:18pm or so. Weird considering they were really deep underground and surrounded by many layers of armored concrete blocks.

yea, but the OLP device wasnt…

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