I need help please, Blueprints in Fabric lost

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> My Blueprints that was ready in the Fabric are lost. My Libary is empty now.
Player(s) with issue:
=> Luzillus


Time (cb:time):
=> in the last 24hour´s

=> Freelance HQ Planet

Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Wher fine if you can bring back the Blueprints they was ready to Produce.

Admins have no control over blueprints. They’re stored locally.

Did you maybe clean your empyrion cache?
If not please explain what happend before they disapeared.

The Blueprints semselfs are all OK. Only the BP´s(ready to Spawn/Produce) in the Fabric are gone. Will this saved local too?

Any already spawned ship is good. Ready to spawn once, are local.

Ok, thx for the help! Have than found the Problem i think. Wish a nice Sunday.

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