I need help please, Connect Skill Tree issue

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: +50 hp day one skill bonus vanished
Player(s) with issue: Grimm Liberty
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): Oct22, 22:12 per log
Playfield: Freelancer Home
Structure Name(s): Home for Now
Structure ID(s): 7294383
How can we help you now: The other day I did a skill reset in Connect then had to log out.
It looks like it didn’t actually do it until the script ran today,
BUT not until AFTER I had assigned +50hp max for my day one bonus.
So it cleared that bonus out on me.

I am not looking for the points, that was my mistake, just want you to know the script should probably check to see if there is any “pending clear” before any “add” is done…

Grimm Liberty

What level you got now?

Hello @GrimmLiberty

at the moment HWS Connect has no real offline queue.
Hence it can overwrite other actions you clicked before.
We try to improve it asap.

No worries, was just pointing it out.
I just figured it saved the “clear” action from the other day when I logged out more quickly than usual and was in the process of running it because I did the cb:startjobs when I logged in.
I just didn’t wait long enough to see if it cleared BEFORE I did my skill tree add… my bad.
Not worried about it; in 23 days it will be fixed in any event and I will go back to thorough logging out After everything is verified.

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