I need help please help me

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Me and my buddie got stuck in EGS Flying City
Player(s) with issue: Dr. Dark, Sollux_Devide
Server: EU
Time (cb:time): Well… now
Playfield: ECC
Structure Name(s): EGS Flying City
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Get us out of here! :smiley:

Stuck in what way? You tried console > destroyme already?

I’d like to keep my inventory

Stuck as in the green shutter door closed, and we’re still in here. And we can’t open it.

All of your faction? Another member of you should just trigger the lever which opened the green door. Problem is just that I’m almost sleeping. Let me try with smartphone

We tried to reactivate the levers, but it didn’t work

Ty rex you opened the gate ;D But my friend Sollux_Devide is still stuck in there

Warped you with my smartphone blindly.

Thanks :smiley: We’re free! It only took ~1h of being stuck

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