I need help please, no ressource pack no daily loot

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> got no daily loot today (25.12.23) got no XL ressource pack

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> wolf1309

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> after 00:00 - 00:23

On which Playfield?
=> ECC Headquarter

Structure Name(s)?
=> elemental Galactic

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 12082752

How can we help you now?
=> I got no Daily loot (automatic with elite?!?! didnt see that)
i got the ressource pack but its falling down because no logistics, also i fly near with the ship but the ressources are gone? where they stolen ??? i have got nothing …thanks for help

Daily Loot can be claimed after 02:00h Server time (issues with time zones and daylight saving time that are known for years)

For the resource package, good old RTFM helps…

from the big yellow Read me first clickable link at the package when you were purchasing it:

WARNING: HWS Reforged Eden has tight Volume Capacity limits in place. If you buy this package for the HWS Reforged Eden Server, make SURE you have connected yourself with the Logistics System (press F4). Make also use of the drop ability to move overlimit items away afterwards.

and given that items in game world are despawned after 3 minutes…

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Ok thanks …but it is possible that some other can claim it after its falling to the ground ? I dont think that i take ore than 1 min. To fly closer

And im really sorry for the time zones Issue but thats the first problem i have and i pay for the automatic collect
so please come down. And btw i come from germany and speak german so perfect english is not the best think i can …thanks and merry christmas

Not when you were flying in a ship.

Hallo wolf,
leider kann ich die ID nicht mehr finden.

Diesen Spieler Namen ebenso nicht.
Wie ist dein steam ingame name?

But i wasnt flying …i spoke with the npc on ecc

I first get the elite state and with that i get a Ressource pack xl …thats my first time.

Aftet the containers falling in the ground i run to my ship, outside, and was fly closer but the Ressource are gone

My Ingame name is wolf

Der Patreon Auto Daily Loot Bonus sollte funktionieren und wartet, bis du genĂĽgend Platz im Inventar hast.
Ich mĂĽsste das hier prĂĽfen.

Oh. Dann reden wir aneinander vorbei.

Ich bezog mich mit dem fliegen hierauf.

Hierbei geht es nicht um den Daily Loot. Hierbei geht es um den Bonus vom Patreon package. Das du dieses in EGS HQ bei der Lady abholen kannst.
Dort wird auch deutlich vor dem Platz im Backpack gewarnt.
Ignorierst du es, fallen die items zu boden.
Spieler in der Nähe können es dann natürlich aufsammeln. Riskieren dadurch aber eine Strafe von mir, weil es gegen die Regeln ist zu klauen.

Ich hab dir jetzt das restliche XL Package gegeben. Nächstes Mal bitte aufpassen.

Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und danke fĂĽr deinen Support!

Das war das 1. Und letzte mal .

Vielen Dank

Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr dir auch

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