I need help please; Server's Bank Life Savings Taxed Away (again)

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Over night HWS tax accounting service on EU stole my life’s savings (again). [ 19-12-08 09:10 Tax paid 116.159.665 credits tax for RoJ (32690066) ] As best as I can tell I may be doing CSW too close to the scheduled tax calculation time and the server thinks I have 0 Rep points causing the outrageous tax burden.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Meiyouren

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> 19-12-08 09:10

=> Global?

Structure Name(s):
=> Roj

Structure ID(s):
=> 32690066

How can we help you now:
=> Any way I can get an audit to make sure I was charged the correct amount of tax? Thank you.

yes the Tax value was correct. See here:

HWS Reputation Points are the lever and important here.

I refunded the tax this time.

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I understand that certain playfields have taxes and those are based upon the total number of structures multiplied by some variable rate based upon reputation points.

The number of structures I own on EU server doesn’t change (I have zero permanent structures). It just happens to be the one ship I’m using to do the CSW.

It is my understanding the Reputation Points are transferred from server to server along with the warp, so that the server you currently aren’t in has zero Rep Points. My usual tax for all my structures on NA doesn’t exceed 50.000 with my current Rep Points of 2200+.

Something happens when I do my CSW near the time of day when the tax calculation are done and the server thinks the ship I visited EU is still there and my Rep Points are reduced to zero on that server. At least that is my guess. I may be wrong.

Thank you regardless! If it is my mistaken understanding of the rules then I apologize.

All good.
I think @Jascha was working on it and probably fixed it?
I’m lost in HWS 11 preparations so can’t tell for sure here.

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