Certain playfields have Taxes applied to them for various reasons.
Playfields with Taxes:
- Please press M in-game and read the playfield description. You may need to scroll down to see Taxes.
- Typically, taxes are applied to the following playfields: ECC System, CSW, the 2 Peacekeepers and the Donor playfields. *If there are more than 200 cores on the Donor Planets.
How Taxes work:
You have to pay taxes for all of your structures (BA, CV, HV, SV) that exist in the taxable playfield and they are taxed using the following formula:
Ship Tax: Blocks * Devices * Tax Factor(100)
Private Structure Tax: (Ship Tax + Player Bank Credits) / HWS DNA
Faction Structure Tax: (Ship Tax + Player Bank Credits + Player Balance) / Faction members / HWS DNA
Player Balance is the amount of credits a player has ON them.
One member from an active 7-person faction has a CV with 6,534 Blocks and 187 devices and a faction HWS DNA of over 2,000. They will pay 77,189 credits for that CV.
Here’s the math behind this calculation:
First, Calculate the Ship Tax: 6,534 x 187 x 100 (Blocks * Devices * Tax Factor)
Ship Tax = 122,185,800
The CV in question is a faction ship, so the next step in the calculation is: Ship Tax + Player Bank Credits + Player Balance and then we Divide by the number of Faction Members (7) and HWS DNA (Average HWS DNA of all faction members).
Tax Factor is 100
HWS DNA for the faction structure is the average HWS DNA for the whole faction
Faction members are considered as active if they played within the last 7 days. Inactive players pay half the tax amount.
Tax sinners pay DOUBLE the tax amount. A Tax Sinner is a player who repeatedly fails to pay taxes that are due or who switches their assets to public in an effort to avoid taxes.
This formula is per player. This means that the whole faction pays taxes if one faction member has faction structures in a taxed playfield. However, faction members do not pay taxes on others’ private structures in a taxed playfield.
The credits to pay for taxes will be first taken from the Player Bank, and then from the Player Balance.
Taxes will be paid every day at 8:50 AM (servertime: cb:time). You can park on a taxed playfield until then for free.
HWS Connect automatically updates which structures are subject to tax every hour.
If a player cannot pay the taxes, the player goes into debt.
If a playfield has 199 structures and you are the one which sets it with 200 structures to a taxed playfield only you will get taxed, not the others (not for ECC + ECC Orbit + CSW though!)
If a player is 300,000 or more credits in debt, their latest taxed structure will be set to public.
We have implemented a different Tax system for beginner, taking their playtime into account and sending them messages:
< 50 hours on HWS = no tax
50h - 99h = 50% tax reduction
>= 100h = 100% tax as everyone else