I need help please Thermal Lanse has gone missing

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> I set Thermal Lance to be created in the constructor. But it was too long and I went to bed. When I entered the game again there were no weapons or resources. It was created but disappeared. sorry for my English

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> zloba_ks

Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> RE + EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time) ~ 3:15 (around 3 o’clock in the morning)

On which Playfield?

Structure Name(s)?
=> Corsair V2

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 13737978

How can we help you now?
=> Is it possible to return resources or a gun?

Hey, @zloba_ks.

Constructors have a bug where they will occationally craft an item, but without outputting the item, even though they use the resources.
Unfortunately we have no logs over this, and we can’t normally help with it.

But we can make a one-time exception and take your word for it, and return your thermal lance.
I’ll put it into your inventory next time I notice you offline.

Very grateful, it takes a long time to collect resources for it. Please tell me how to avoid such a mistake in the future? not create offline?

I wish I knew a solution, but unfortunately I don’t. There might not be one.

The only “solution” would be to record whenever you craft very expensive items. With a video of the loss happening, we can return it.
Otherwise you can also try asking if anyone ingame can help you out, since the community is often also quite helpful.

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But I returned it to you now @zloba_ks, so it should be in your inventory.

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when constructing devices, I found it best to start construction then wait until it is finished before looking at the constructor again. many times of happy “is it ready yet?” pressing F can be problematic. also leaving the playfield can have various undesired results. it sucks doing the math, but it’s always better to error on the side of caution.

either way, the best defense against bugs is recording when you are working with expensive items. that helps the admins and the developers in trying to find and squish the many bugs that plague us all…


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