What happened: Upgraded OCD to Level 3 but still only shows 10 slots usable. Player(s) with issue: Talohan Server: HWS Time (cb:time): 2:00pm Playfield: Eden Structure Name(s): n/a Structure ID(s): n/a How can we help you now: Why doesn’t my other 20 slots show in Connect?
There are no slots visible in connect until you place something in them for the first time.
Does it say the correct OCD level at the top? If so, you’re all set.
Have you put enough things in to use more than 10 slots?
For example, you won’t see the 11th slot until you put enough items in to need 11 slots.
You won’t see the 12th slot until you put enough to use 12 slots.
If it says OCD 3 then you have 3 and all the perks that come with it.