I need help please with Ore disappearing from my furnace

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I Lost 7 X 999 Gold Ore in my furnace and then got kicked out
Player(s) with issue: Write here
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): Jan 1 2018 10:01
Playfield: Freelancer Moon
Structure Name(s): Base-(BA)
**Structure ID(s):**3507071
How can we help you now: Please give me back my Gold. I spent a few hours yesterday mining it.


sorry but we can’t return things in Constructors / Furnaces disappearing during a session without reason.
We have only control over player inventory.

But if you can send me your zipped player logs I might help somehow.

Player Log
Date Activity Log
1 09:02 Interest Got 7,574 credits
1 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
1 03:53 PayIn paid -150000 credits into bank (142500).
31 16:01 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 16:00 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 16:00 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 15:54 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
31 14:37 Visited_Bank
31 09:02 Interest Got 6,118 credits
31 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
30 16:46 PayIn paid -450000 credits into bank (450000).
30 16:44 Visited_Bank
30 15:21 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Magnesium Ore (direct). Now: 1
30 15:20 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 2
30 15:19 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Sathium Ore (direct). Now: 2
30 15:17 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
30 09:02 Interest Got 1,602 credits
30 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
29 22:01 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
29 15:40 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio2) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 15:13 PayIn paid -200000 credits into bank (200000).
29 15:04 Visited_Bank
29 14:58 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio1) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 14:57 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio1) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 09:02 Interest Got 1,091 credits
29 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
28 15:52 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
28 12:11 Visited_Bank
28 09:02 Interest Got 1,080 credits
28 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
27 15:05 Faction_Supply Received faction supply for level 1
27 14:45 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
27 11:24 Visited_Bank
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Gold Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Zascosium Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Erestrum Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 28500 credits tax for geting 2850 Promethium Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 4750 credits tax for geting 475 Magnesium Ore
27 10:49 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting COP2550 --> 2550Copper Ore,
27 10:49 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting SI2550 --> 2550Silicon Ore,
27 10:48 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting COB2550 --> 2550Cobalt Ore,
27 10:48 Get_AM_Tax paid 28500 credits tax for geting IR2850 --> 2850Iron Ore,
27 09:02 Interest Got 2,587 credits
27 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
26 18:09 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Copper Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 18:08 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Cobalt Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 18:07 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Silicon Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 17:33 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 2
26 16:31 PayIn paid -100000 credits into bank (100000).
26 16:30 Visited_Bank
26 16:09 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 15:52 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Promethium Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:51 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Magnesium Ore (direct). Now: 2
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Zascosium Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Erestrum Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Gold Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:20 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Erestrum Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:19 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Zascosium Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:18 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Gold Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 14:40 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
26 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
25 13:32 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
25 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received

Thanks but that is your player log from HWS Connect - even though nice you use HWS Connect!

What I’m talking about was your “got kicked” which should be reflected in your Client Logs.

They are located here:
steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Logs\1433

So please zip that whole folder and drag and drop the zip here or via PM.

1433.zip (138.6 KB)
Happy New Year RexXxuS and thank you for taking time to look at my problem. I appreciate. Especially on the First Day of this New Year! (sorry for my English, not so good)

Don’t know if that would help: the message I received when I was kicked out was related to anticheat. It then took me 3 attempts to join the server, always receiving the message that ““probably I started the game without anticheat””, something that I never do because my setup is with anticheat loading automatically, and I did see the little blue box filled at the beginning of the start of the game, which tells me that anticheat was loaded.

Hope this will help.

I see the disconnect in the logs but don’t know why it happened. Probably because some of your AntiVirus tools triggered.

It’s still not common for us to go that road since we have no other proofs what or how much really was lost.
So as an one time service I refunded the Gold Ores.

Tks alot Rex. Have a great day!