Player Log
Date Activity Log
1 09:02 Interest Got 7,574 credits
1 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
1 03:53 PayIn paid -150000 credits into bank (142500).
31 16:01 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 16:00 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 16:00 Lottery paid 1000 credits for lottery.
31 15:54 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
31 14:37 Visited_Bank
31 09:02 Interest Got 6,118 credits
31 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
30 16:46 PayIn paid -450000 credits into bank (450000).
30 16:44 Visited_Bank
30 15:21 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Magnesium Ore (direct). Now: 1
30 15:20 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 2
30 15:19 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Sathium Ore (direct). Now: 2
30 15:17 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
30 09:02 Interest Got 1,602 credits
30 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
29 22:01 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
29 15:40 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio2) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 15:13 PayIn paid -200000 credits into bank (200000).
29 15:04 Visited_Bank
29 14:58 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio1) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 14:57 Buy_NPC_Trader paid 50000 credits and 3 RP for buying 1 NPC_Trader (radio1) from Radioactive Squirrel
29 09:02 Interest Got 1,091 credits
29 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Received 3 RP for living in PvP and PvE.
28 15:52 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
28 12:11 Visited_Bank
28 09:02 Interest Got 1,080 credits
28 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
27 15:05 Faction_Supply Received faction supply for level 1
27 14:45 Connect Received items: 1 * 2302,500 * 2299,
27 11:24 Visited_Bank
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Gold Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Zascosium Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 5000 credits tax for geting 500 Erestrum Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 28500 credits tax for geting 2850 Promethium Ore
27 10:51 Get_AM_Tax paid 4750 credits tax for geting 475 Magnesium Ore
27 10:49 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting COP2550 --> 2550Copper Ore,
27 10:49 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting SI2550 --> 2550Silicon Ore,
27 10:48 Get_AM_Tax paid 25500 credits tax for geting COB2550 --> 2550Cobalt Ore,
27 10:48 Get_AM_Tax paid 28500 credits tax for geting IR2850 --> 2850Iron Ore,
27 09:02 Interest Got 2,587 credits
27 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
26 18:09 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Copper Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 18:08 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Cobalt Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 18:07 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Silicon Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 17:33 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 2
26 16:31 PayIn paid -100000 credits into bank (100000).
26 16:30 Visited_Bank
26 16:09 AM_Fuel 1 fuel into AM Iron Ore (direct). Now: 1
26 15:52 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Promethium Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:51 AM_Fuel 2 fuel into AM Magnesium Ore (direct). Now: 2
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Zascosium Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Erestrum Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:49 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Gold Ore (direct). Now: 5
26 15:20 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Erestrum Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:19 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Zascosium Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 15:18 AM_Fuel 3 fuel into AM Gold Ore (direct). Now: 3
26 14:40 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
26 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Received 7 RP for 300 Pentaxid (refined),Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received
25 13:32 Connect Received items: 5 * 2302,500 * 2299,500 * 2299,300 * 2294,7 * 2422,7 * 2325,
25 08:50 Faction_Bonus Received 5 RP for warping,Found only structures in PVP or PvE, not on both. No RP received