What happened: Write here
I was on Cryo A1 about to leave in my new CV. A Player asked for a ride to Pandowa and I foolishly let him onto my ship. He changed the ship from public to private once we had reached orbit of Cryo A1, and then once we landed he locked me in the hold of the ship, and wouldn’t let me out until he realized that one of the ships docked was keeping the CV held in place. Player(s) with issue: Write here
Phosphate-IX Server: Write here
HWS NA Time (cb:time): Write here
4-21-18 5:30pm Playfield: Write here
Cryo A1 Structure Name(s): Write here
Carapace - CV Structure ID(s): Write here How can we help you now: Write here
The “pirate” said he switched modes once we got into space because he thought that was enough
I have never played multiplayer before, so I didn’t know that people could take your ship like that. I did not know you could do that with a passenger seat until I reported the issue on chat.
Don’t grief! Griefing is considered anything which creates a harassment experience for any player. Trapping in buildings, kill stealing, chat harassment, stealing trade drops, offensive buildings, burying vessels and/or players, etc.
Players on Cryo L1 with over 100 playhours after a fresh wipe are forced to leave the system or at least not visit the planet anymore to ‘farm noobs!’
His/her IGN is viper1232568. I just Spawned Phosphate in a ship like the one he tried to take. I hope I did the “ok” thing. I just wanted to help both players. I did not agree with the way the ship was taken, but not my call. Never set a ship to public viper1232568 would be my advise.I’m sure you learned that. Also seems that most your mats are on the ship. I gave Phosphate-IX a stack of each ore. Phosphate-IX as a “noob” to the server try to make friends first, or at least make sure you know how to “pirate”.