I need help. The base is gone

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> We have a base called Smokerlounge on the planet Freeelacer Journey our fraction is called Pentaxit Raider and started 2-3 days ago and now the base has simply disappeared and we are not shown in the IU anymore. And so our CVs are still there but, the base with all our collected resources are gone.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Tirim & Rabak


Time (cb:time):
=> ca 12 am the base was still there

=> Freelancer Journey

Structure Name(s):
=> Smokers Lounge

Structure ID(s):
=> -

How can we help you now:
=> Restore the base pls :smiley:


I restored it but you have to leave the starter Playfields!

15.02.2020 13:02:01 Destroyed Existed longer then 168 hours on ‘Freelancer Journey’. Last movement: 08.02.2020 13:00:40 Unknown 0 Unknown 0

You are only allowed to stay 7 days there.

We have taken over the base because who left it open for use, we have only extended it a bit. We both started on midweek this week, is it possible to adjust the time to the base or would we have to leave early or take the base down? Or how is that regulated?
And if I entered the server for 5 minutes last week to look at the servers, do I have to leave early or how is that exactly?
Thanks in any case for restoring the base


no worries.
its only about the creation time of the structures. CB:Wipe should show you when they would be wiped. That would explain why it got deleted so early, cause it was created by someone else already last week.
That base is now ok for another 7 days

sry OT =)
But cb:wipe is not up to date (as of yesterday) showing 14 days, even for starters!

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:frowning: thanks. I take a look again. I thought I fixed that

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