I purchased carry over packages, but they are not showing

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> On NA, I purchased the “Keep EGS Recycle Level after full wipe” package and the “Keep EB Level after full wipe” package. On EU, I purchased only the " Keep EB Level after full wipe" package. However, these purchases are not showing up in the Support Details section of HWS COnnect.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Dhalgren

=> NA and EU

Time (cb:time):
=> Some time on April 11 - April 12

=> n/a

Structure Name(s):
=> n/a

Structure ID(s):
=> n/a

How can we help you now:
=> I received a payment verification email from PayPal, so I know the payment went thru. Could you please make sure that I did indeed receive the packages, and that it shows up in the Support Details section? Thanks!

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Good Morning @Dhalgren
I see. A mistake happened and Keep EB Level got applied two times on NA.
I have split it to EU now.

Thank you very much for your support! Much appreciated!!

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Thank you @RexXxuS !!!

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